Android topic messaging enhancements (AGDROID-470)
by Summers Pittman
So good news,
Topic support for GCM is trivial to implement. In fact after 20 minutes I
have most of the work done in the Android library. The behavior of topics
matches the behavior of categories. I would like to propose some
1) Changing categories/topics currently requires the application to
unregister and reregister on UPS. I would like to add a subscribe and
unsubscibe method to the pushRegistrar interface which will subscribe and
unsubscribe the device from topics.
2) All Message listeners receive messages from all topics the device is
subscribed to. I would like to extend registrar manager to be able to
attach messages handlers per topic as well as globally.
This are both simple, easy changes which shouldn't be a lot of work and
will really improve the push experience in Agdroid 3.0.
9 years, 6 months
UPS 1.1.0-beta.3 and Openshift release
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hello folks!
On our way to 1.1.0.Final, we have released another beta release. This
release contains a new Keycloak version (1.3.1) and a lot of small
List of JIRAs
The release has been uploaded to Maven Central:
It's, as usually, available on github too:
Openshift update:
As we move towards 1.1.0, the Openshift cartridge has been updated too.
It's the first time 1.1.0 is available on Openshift:
On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 4:18 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
> Hi guys,
> as promissed, here are some updates on Openshift for 1.1.0-beta.3:
> rhc create-app --gear-size medium --no-git YOUR_NAME "
> "
> PR:
> -Matthias
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
> wrote:
>> Hi team,
>> here is another beta release for the UPS 1.1.0, to stablize before we
>> will hit our final:
>> Details about the containing fixes and enhancements are in JIRA:
>> Please test the staged release:
>> Like w/ the previous beta, please make sure you use a FULL profile
>> WildFly or EAP server for tests, since we now have JMS hooks ;-)
>> (See README for details)
>> On Tuesday next week I'd like to press the button to release it to the
>> wild.
>> PS: I will be working on updating our Openshift cartridge later today...
>> -M
>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)>
>> wrote:
>>> Ship it !
>>> On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> we had a few changes since the last beta:
>>>> I'd like to run another beta.
>>>> The DB migrator is not yet there, but Dan and QMX are close on this.
>>>> yay!
>>>> So, in the spirit of release often / release early I see zero reasons
>>>> to not do another beta.
>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>> --
>>>> Matthias Wessendorf
>>>> blog:
>>>> sessions:
>>>> twitter:
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> aerogear-dev mailing list
>>>> aerogear-dev(a)
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> aerogear-dev mailing list
>>> aerogear-dev(a)
>> --
>> Matthias Wessendorf
>> blog:
>> sessions:
>> twitter:
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> blog:
> sessions:
> twitter:
Matthias Wessendorf
9 years, 6 months
Staging of beta.3 (was: Re: UnifiedPush Server: time for a 1.1.0-beta.3)
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hi team,
here is another beta release for the UPS 1.1.0, to stablize before we will
hit our final:
Details about the containing fixes and enhancements are in JIRA:
Please test the staged release:
Like w/ the previous beta, please make sure you use a FULL profile WildFly
or EAP server for tests, since we now have JMS hooks ;-)
(See README for details)
On Tuesday next week I'd like to press the button to release it to the wild.
PS: I will be working on updating our Openshift cartridge later today...
On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:01 PM, Sebastien Blanc <scm.blanc(a)>
> Ship it !
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 4:59 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> we had a few changes since the last beta:
>> I'd like to run another beta.
>> The DB migrator is not yet there, but Dan and QMX are close on this. yay!
>> So, in the spirit of release often / release early I see zero reasons to
>> not do another beta.
>> Any thoughts?
>> --
>> Matthias Wessendorf
>> blog:
>> sessions:
>> twitter:
>> _______________________________________________
>> aerogear-dev mailing list
>> aerogear-dev(a)
> _______________________________________________
> aerogear-dev mailing list
> aerogear-dev(a)
Matthias Wessendorf
9 years, 6 months
AGDroid Gradle plugin
by Summers Pittman
So in those awkward moments when I'm waiting on PRs to get reviewed I've
been working on a Gradle plugin for AGDroid.
Right now it doesn't do much other than fail a couple of unit tests, but my
first goal is to have it validate the AndroidManifest file if it detects a
push config file. After that I would like it to be able to autoconfigure
the manifest if it finds errors. Eventually I would like to be able to do
basic annotation processing to simplify lots of rote tasks in Android.
What would you guys like to see added?
9 years, 6 months
UPS and Docker
by Matthias Wessendorf
for UPS we have three different images, at:
1) unifiedpush-wildfly
2) unifiedpush-wildfly-dev
3) push-quickstarts-wildfly-dev
The first deploys the latest stable (1.0.2) release on WildFly, using
HTTPS. The second does a checkout of the UPS master repo, and also deploys
it into WildFly, using HTTPS.
The third one deploys our 'complex' CRUD quickstart, which we did for xpaas
launch. I'd like to remove this, because that's a repo which will
eventually go away.
I could keep it, if there is really interest in it - but I prefer to remove
Now, the other two are currently broken, because there are some changes in
the layer above us. The WildFly's parent parent :-) now is Centos7, not
Fedora anymore. This is cool, since Centos is closer to RHEL and also used
on Openshift-Origin.
I have update the two Dockerfiles based on the underlying OS change, and I
added deployment for UPS 1.1.0-beta.2 (our last release). Here is my branch:
Moving forward, I added support for MySQL using Docker container linking:
NOTE: this requires two docker containers (named 'unifiedpush' and
'keycloak') being around. Here is a docker-compose.yml file allowing to run
the entire shindig:
Any thoughts?
Matthias Wessendorf
9 years, 7 months
UPS JIRAs for future releases (was: Re: [RFC] future Roadmap for Unified Push Server)
by Matthias Wessendorf
Hi guys,
thanks for the feedback and the discussions. Here is a list of releases
done after 1.1.0.Final (out early August).
- 1.1.1 (end of August'15) - JIRA issues
- 1.2.0 (end of September'15) - JIRA issues
- 1.3.0 (early of December'15) - JIRA issues
And moving forward with some more technical changes, we will have a 2.0.0
in 2016
- 2.0.0 (March 2016) - JIRA issues
Feel free to comment either here or on the JIRAs, if something needs
improvements or suggestions etc. Feedback is more than welcome!
On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 11:51 PM, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew(a)>
> Hi team,
> as we are moving forward w/ the releases, and we are close to have our
> 1.1.0.Final, I started to think about a proposal for a near-term future
> roadmap, and I'd like to get feedback, comments (or tomatos) on it.
> <>UPS
> 1.1.x (July/August)
> - 1.1.0 -> very soon
> - 1.1.x -> perhaps some needed bug fixes/improvements, in a short
> interval :-)
> <>UPS
> 1.2.0 (September/October)
> We have a release version
> <> in JIRA
> already.
> *Key features*
> - Keycloak isolation
> - GCM 3 support (client and server)
> - Improved docker support (e.g. tests/test suite -> Hopefully Travis
> supports 'docker run' by than ;-))
> One could think that going back to JPA annotations is a key feature as
> well ;-)
> <>UPS
> 1.2.x (or even 1.3.0) (December 2015)
> There is no concrete release version for this, but we have a larger
> ups-future <> version
> in JIRA. The ups-future version/label has a few interesting things, that we
> may have to do right after 1.2.0
> *Key features*
> - APNs goes HTTP2 (a must)
> - Quiete time for push (aka timezone awareness of devices)
> - Scheduled pushes
> - Proxy server support
> <>UPS
> 2.0.0 (March-2016)
> In October (2015) the WildFly 10
> <> should
> be released and I'd like to see us adapting this for the 2.0.0 series! Also
> for a possible release of our 2.0.0 in March 2016, I’d like to stop the 1.x
> series!
> *Note:* We don't have a release version for JIRA here, but heck! this
> mail is asking for feedback ;-)
> *Key features / Core changes*
> - UPS based on (public) APIs that are available in WildFly-10
> - looking at using WF feature packs
> <> (similar to
> what Keycloak did, e.g. for layered "product"
> - looking at getting an UPS sub-system
> - Java8 only (as well as making sure works w/ Java9)
> - internal communication fully based on messaging (A-MQ / HornetQ)
> - WildFly-Swarm launcher (aka fat JARs)
> - helps with a more modular system:
> - Modular system (e.g. different “webapps”, like "sender.war",
> "registration.war", "UI WAR" etc)
> - allows us to play with different platforms for the different “web
> apps”
> - e.g. for a 2.x.y we could see/experiment how a vertx microservice
> (e.g. for the device registration) will behave in the larger system
> Other new features, e.g. based on needs and/or requests could be weaved
> into 2.0.0 or 2.0.x, based on timing.
> Please review this initial draft of a roadmap - once we are all in
> agreement, it's time to hammer the roadmap into stone, uhm... JIRA :-)
> Greetings,
> Matthias
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> blog:
> sessions:
> twitter:
Matthias Wessendorf
9 years, 7 months