Now for Day 2,
going off topic for a second, i realized that after the first day, my jeans weren't
skinny enough. Ok back to the talks
Build Artifacts in Source Control
by Clay Smith
youtube link: - part 1 - part 2
this talk was about how it is bad to put compiled production distribution stuff in
also talk about using the github release api
and that we need better tools for production builds
Preventing XSS & CSRF
by Jeremy Stashewsky
youtube link:
this was a cool talk about Cross Site Scripting and Cross Site Request Forgery and some
techniques to help prevent it
Bits of Nodebots.Next / Animating with Javascript
by Rick Waldron
youtube link:
An awesome talk. Just watch the video
Hacking Webforms with Phantom.js
by Alyssa Ravasio
youtube link:
a interesting talk about using phantom.js to fill out forms.
Her business is a camping booking site. Existing booking sites for campsites are crappy,
and there is only really one. There is no public API for camp listings, so a user goes to
her site, books their campsite on a nice looking/nice experience site, then in the
background, phantom.js goes to the crappy site and books the camp site.
by Guillermo Rauch - author( i think )
youtube link:
kind of a neat talk about sync, probably somewhat relevant to what we might be doing
by Arnout Kazemier - from nodejitsu
youtube link:
BigPipe is something that Facebook was suppose to deliver, but never really did, so these
guys did there own thing
it's basically the ability to render different parts of the page asyncly, using what
they call pagelets
an example of BigPipe in use is
Transitioning Groupon to node.js
by Sean McCullough
youtube link:
kind of a neat talk about moving groupon's rails stack to node.js and some of the
challenges and why it was right for them
Hacking Art with Node.js and Image Analysis
by John Resig - Author of a little know library called jQuery
youtube link:
showing off some library's that he wrote to do image analysis, didn't really show
any code though
WebRTC can be easy
by Michelle Bu - author of PeerJS
youtube link:
pretty neat talk about WebRTC and making it easier to use.
The hidden benefits of static analysis
by Kirill Cherkashin and Tsering Shrestha
youtube link:
talk about how JS tools can be awesome even though JS is a dynamic language.
showed some WebStorm IDE js autocomplete stuff
and some other libs like spy-js
Easing into ECMAScript 6 and Beyond
by Ben Newman - works at facebook
youtube link:
showing off his library "recast" and how we should always be transpiling to
code for the future without choking on it
Pixel Art and Javascript
by Vince Allen
youtube link:
Needed to leave to catch a train, so i missed this one, so just watch the video
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