I did most of my remarks in the pull request but here are some specific
to your questions.
On Thu 2013-01-17 16:48, Hardy Ferentschik wrote:
* Is the benefit offered by this solution big enough to introduce a
dependency to another API/JSR?
I think so, we have had many features tangentially related to improving
method interpolation and this addition will solve most if not all of
them in a very elegant way.
* I am proposing to bind the validated value to the string literal
'validatedValue'. Is this a good name? 'value' would be shorter, but would
conflict with
the default annotation parameter name
validatedValue has my preference too.
* I am proposing to bind String#format to the literal
'str:format'. Does this prefix sound ok, or should it be 'string:format'.
Small preference to string:format (for readability) but I won't fight.
* Is there a need to specify more functions which need to be
available in the EL context (on top of String#format)?
I'm tempted to say probably in the future. We should go for a simple
version now and think about more binding or even customized bindings in
a future rev of the spec.
* Using the ${expression} syntax causes a backward compatibility
issue with BV 1.0 where '$' was used as literal, e.g. ${amount} would be $10 in BV
whereas now it would be just 10. Maybe '#' would be a better marker for EL
expressions or to be 100% correct a configuration flag would be needed.
It seems $ is the standard so I'm ok to create some transitional
frictions for a better future. We did not make horrible mistakes in 1.0
so we have some good will to burn ;)
* Last but not least, how should be handle invalid EL expressions or
expressions which reference non existent properties. For the user it might be best
to catch any EL based exception and just return the un interpolated expression (the
actual impl could log a warning). If we propagate exceptions might have
to deal with exception based on poor message/expression design.
Looking forward to get some feedback,
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