There is one small issue with the download site - the counter doesn't
work, so we don't know how many downloads are there.
On 06/29/2011 09:55 AM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
I am happy to announce the candidate release for AS7!
In this release we closed a whopping 350 issues and made several notable
changes including
- More spec coverage!
- Clustering (Infinispan + HTTP Session Replication)
- CLI, Console, and management improvements
- Switched to EE Web Profile + JCA + JAX-RS/Resteasy + OSGi as default
+ JMS + WS are available in the "preview" profile
+ Each also has an HA profile with clustering
We would appreciate you taking it for a spin, and reporting any issues
you run into.
Before we hit final we are going to be putting energy towards adding
documentation (contributions welcome!). You can see an early starting
point here:
Vaclav Tunka
Software Engineer
JBoss EAP Productization
Office: Brno, Czech Republic
Office phone: +420 532 294 153
irc: vtunka @ #jbossas, #prod, #maven, #brno