I have dealt with customers 3-4 times every work day for 4.5 years, if you really think I
am wrong...well..then...I do not know what to say....
I am mostly okay at a high level with your split, but worried that we will retreat to our
frenetic documentation that does everything and says nothing, ie master of everything, but
doer of nothing.....
Jim Tyrrell
Senior JBoss Solutions Architect
Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?
Issue is what goes in a newbie guide varies depending on who you talk
to. For me and burr, it would be how to write apps. For you it's layout of server +
connecting a datasource.
Personally, I think this split works well. A basic guide about how to write apps. A basic
guide on how to use the server. Then reference guides for the detail.
So basically, I think the way you would split it is wrong :-p
Pete Muir
On 14 Jun 2011, at 15:00, Jim Tyrrell <jtyrrell(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> As we are creating these docs, I would prefer to have smaller well named docs, then a
kitchen sink doc. A noob guide should be just that...and not a chapter in a greater
guide, if we can help it at all. Just my $ .01.
> Jim Tyrrell
> Senior JBoss Solutions Architect
> Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?
> On Jun 14, 2011, at 5:06 AM, Peter Muir wrote:
>> Shelly plans a chapter on this for the admin guide.
>> --
>> Pete Muir
>> On 14 Jun 2011, at 12:05, Max Rydahl Andersen <max.andersen(a)redhat.com>
>>> Is there a basic introduction to the AS 7 directory layout somewhere ?
>>> That is not dev or admin specific but just as basic Noob explanation.
>>> If not I can see if I can give it a shot for the parts I know - and ask
others to fill in the blanks?
>>> /max
>>> On Jun 14, 2011, at 24:23, Pete Muir wrote:
>>>> Hi Jim, thanks for the feedback.
>>>> I will add something about how to connect to a database, I am behind on
that one ;-)
>>>> Shelly is writing the Getting Started Guide for Admins, which we are
aiming to have done for launch:
>>>> * server layout
>>>> * intro to embedded console (how to connect etc.)
>>>> * details on resource adaptors.
>>>> So hopefully that will meet what you are after :-)
>>>> Last I spoke to Jason, we plan to feature links both guides prominently
on localhost:8080, and each should have a short sentence or two describing content so a
user goes to the right place.
>>>> On 13 Jun 2011, at 19:50, Jim Tyrrell wrote:
>>>>> Pete,
>>>>> Joel Tosi created a PDF, a quick look at the table of contents, I
would have a chapter on.
>>>>> I have a war, need a database, what do I do...
>>>>> A Chapter on the embedded console, how to turn it on use it...
>>>>> Some thoughts on bin files that exist...I know you are targeting
standalone, but there is that other .sh file there staring at people....
>>>>> Just some thoughts...
>>>>> Jim Tyrrell
>>>>> Senior JBoss Solutions Architect
>>>>> Did you see RHT on CNBC's Mad Money?
>>>>> On Jun 13, 2011, at 9:46 AM, Pete Muir wrote:
>>>>>> In preparation for the AS7 release, I've written an getting
started guide for developers for AS 7. The focus of this guide is on the standalone mode
of JBoss AS 7, and the EE 6 programming model, and consequently how you can write some
simple apps using AS 7. It also includes instructions for using the AS7/EE 6 archetype
that we will release alongside the guide.
>>>>>> I've added the guide + quickstart samples that live alongside
it to the docs repo on github -
https://github.com/jbossas/docs. This repo also includes a
a distro script for building a zip, and some basic development instructions for
quickstarts in the README. I just want to emphasise though, that the quickstarts are aimed
at users, and so aim to be as simple as possible - we've elminated as many xml files
as possible, made the pom as simple as possible etc. This (especially in the pom) means
that things are quite as optimised as they might be (e.g. no shared parent in the
quickstart poms). This is 100% intentional - the aim here is to have something people can
copy and change easily - a shared parent isn't good for this!.
>>>>>> Anyway, please review, and add any other guides as you wish :-)
>>>>>> Pete
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>>> /max