On 02/15/2011 05:26 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
In pricipal user code should only need to import an API. Then the
container impl takes care of passing a ref that is castable to the API.
The one exception is of course, static factories, which are more complex
to solve. I assume thats why we have service loader imports on those.
Sorry, while
I agree on the general idea of limiting as much as possible
the implementation details user code can see, I'm still missing what's
the exact boundary between what we're going / want to hide and what is
to be visible. Yes, API (jaxws, jws, saaj, jaxb, ...) should be visible,
so far so good. Let's assume we add them (if they're not there yet) for
all ejb3 & servlet deployments through a DUP that does
new ModuleDependency(moduleLoader, moduleIdentifier, ...));
Then, once the user tries to create a JAXWS client, he basically goes
through the javax.xml.ws.spi.Provider class that act as a service
loader, looking for the a property named the same as the class and
return the implementation specified in the property. In our
(jbossws-cxf) case, that a class living in jbossws-cxf-client, that of
course heavily leverage Apache CXF (which is all in a single module -at
least for now- included in the jbossws-cxf-client dependencies). Let's
assume for now the user is not allowed to use any jbossws and/or cxf
specific stuff, just the standard jaxws/jws/etc. api; as far as I
understand, at a minimum, we'd need the jbossws-cxf-client module to be
added the same as above, so that it contributes to defining the module
classloader, which will later be visible to the user. Is this correct /
is there a better approach / solution ? (this is of course just an
example of many similar issues)
We should keep in the back of our mind that users may want to
this, and go with some different JAX-WS client (sacraficing EE
integration features).
mmh... override at what level? changing module
Until we have the custom classloading deployment
config its hard to say how this will be accomplished.
when is this planned to be
worked / in which release/milestone ?
Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss