Petr Sakař updated WFLY-3419:
CDI does not scan module with multiple jars. Only first jar is scanned.
Workaround is to package everything in single jar file.
To reproduce:
#download attached files
#download and unzip wildfly
cd wildfly-9.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT #or other version > 8.0.0
unzip ../module.multiplejars.zip
cp ../servlet-cdi-test3.war standalone/deployments/
# observe deployment fails
# stop server
unzip ../module.ok.zip
# observe deployment succeeds
The same scenario succeeds in both cases on EAP 6.2.x.
module.ok.zip was created from module.multiplejars.zip by merging jar files into single
beans in module jars are not discovered except the first jar in
Key: WFLY-3419
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: CDI / Weld
Affects Versions: 8.0.0.Final, 8.1.0.Final
Reporter: Petr Sakař
Assignee: Jason Greene
CDI does not scan module with multiple jars. Only first jar is scanned.
Workaround is to package everything in single jar file.
To reproduce:
#download attached files
#download and unzip wildfly
cd wildfly-9.0.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT #or other version > 8.0.0
unzip ../module.multiplejars.zip
cp ../servlet-cdi-test3.war standalone/deployments/
# observe deployment fails
# stop server
unzip ../module.ok.zip
# observe deployment succeeds
The same scenario succeeds in both cases on EAP 6.2.x.
module.ok.zip was created from module.multiplejars.zip by merging jar files into single
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