Kris Verlaenen updated DROOLS-4688:
Sprint: 2019 Week 44-46 (from Okt 28), 2019 Week 47-49 (from Nov 18), 2019 Week 50-52
(from Dec 9), 2020 Week 01-03 (from Dec 30) (was: 2019 Week 44-46 (from Okt 28), 2019
Week 47-49 (from Nov 18), 2019 Week 50-52 (from Dec 9))
[DMN Designer] Basic Code Completion for DMN Literal Expressions
Key: DROOLS-4688
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Epic
Components: DMN Editor
Reporter: Guilherme Gomes
Assignee: Guilherme Gomes
Priority: Major
Labels: drools-tools
Users must have a basic code completion for DMN Literal Expressions.
This task is a MVP, and don't have any backend logic. The code completion is powered
by a simple autocompleted of FEEL functions and a simple code highlight.
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