Ashish Nayyar commented on DROOLS-466:
Please reply.
Reading Rules packaged inside jar
Key: DROOLS-466
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 6.0.1.Final
Reporter: Ashish Nayyar
Assignee: Mark Proctor
Labels: drools, drools-compiler
I am working on DROOLS 6.0.1 application. I have my rule files (*.drl) packaged inside a
separate project which is included as a jar file as a maven dependency. When I deploy my
project, KIEModule is not able to find the rules files (which are packaged inside the jar
above). I am not getting an error though but rules are not getting fired.
If I manually place the rules files under classpath say WEB-INF/rules/*.drl they are
detected and rules are executed.
I was under impression that KIEmodules are auto discovered from anywhere in classpath.
Any pointers are appreciated. This is general question hence I have not included the
comprehensive code files. Everything start working once I place the *.drl files in the
classpath (take them outside of jar).
On Further invstigation by looking into the code, I found that
addFiles(assets, kBaseModel, kModule);
Call from "AbstractKieModule" fails and its not able to find the rules packaged
inside the JAR file placed under WEB-INF\lib folder. I get this warning message on the
08:40:02,113 WARN [org.drools.compiler.kie.builder.impl.AbstractKieModule]
(ServerService Thread Pool -- 55) No files found for KieBase kie-base-old, searching
folder \Apps\jboss-eap-6.1\standalone\deployments\Application.war