Brian Stansberry moved WFLY-4471 to WFCORE-629:
Project: WildFly Core (was: WildFly)
Key: WFCORE-629 (was: WFLY-4471)
Component/s: Domain Management
(was: Domain Management)
(was: Security)
Enabled automatic encryption of passwords stored in configuration
Key: WFCORE-629
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Domain Management, Security
Environment: Wildfly 9
Reporter: Jason Shepherd
Currently encrypting passwords such as Datasource passwords can only be done 'after
the fact'. You have to create the datasource first, then retrospectively store the
password in the vault and dereference it in the configuration.
It would be great if could turn on automatic storage of passwords in the vault so that
when you create a Datasource password, or add a resource adapter which specifies a remote
resource password, those passwords were automatically added to the vault, and deferenced
in the configuration file.