[JBoss JIRA] Created: (HIBERNATE-43) SQL native Request who respond only the first letter
by Alexandre PETRILLO (JIRA)
SQL native Request who respond only the first letter
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/HIBERNATE-43
Project: Hibernate
Issue Type: Bug
Environment: Jboss 4.0.4 G.A. patch 1
Reporter: Alexandre PETRILLO
Assigned To: Steve Ebersole
I need to do some sql native query (to a data base Oracle 9i) from an EJB session Bean.
I use Jboss in version 4.0.4 G.A. patch 1
My simple code :
public List doNativeQueryMultiple(String sqlQuery) {
List list = manager.createNativeQuery(sqlQuery).getResultList();
return list;
This is some exemple for understand the probleme.
SELECT 'OUI' val FROM dual union SELECT 'NON' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : O,N
SELECT 'TOTO' val FROM dual union SELECT 'NON' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : TOTO,NON
SELECT 'TOT' val FROM dual union SELECT 'NON' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : T,N
SELECT 'OUI' val FROM dual union SELECT 'abc' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : O,a
SELECT 'OUI' val FROM dual union SELECT 'abcd' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : OUI,abcd
SELECT 'OUI' val FROM dual union SELECT 'NON' FROM dual union SELECT 'TOT' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : O,N,T
SELECT 'OUI' val FROM dual union SELECT 'NON' FROM dual union SELECT 'TOTO' FROM dual Order BY 1 asc
Response is : OUI,NON,TOTO
When the response of the request is correct, the return class type is java.lang.String
And when is incorrect , the return class type is java.lang.Charactere, and the response contain the first letter.
The bug is when the size of all of the selected string have the same length.
The test done by Jboss for determine the class return type maybe is wrong.
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16 years
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBOSGI-5) OSGi Deployers
by Adrian Brock (JIRA)
OSGi Deployers
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBOSGI-5
Project: JBoss OSGi
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Reporter: Adrian Brock
Assigned To: Ales Justin
Holder task for OSGi aspectized deployers.
The deployers will include at least:
1) Structure deployer to recognise OSGi bundles and setup "subdeployments" according to the jars
specified in the osgi classpath.
2) OSGi parser deployer that turns the manifest entries into an OSGIMetaData model
3) DeploymentResolver that sets up the dependencies for deployments
4) OSGi classloader deployer - replacement for UCL classloader with OSGi classloading semantics
5) OSGi real deployer - creates a bean that provides an OSGi facade (the lifecycle)
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16 years
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBOSGI-12) OSGi testsuite
by Ales Justin (JIRA)
OSGi testsuite
Key: JBOSGI-12
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBOSGI-12
Project: JBoss OSGi
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: Testing
Reporter: Ales Justin
Assigned To: Kevin Conner
We need tests for our new [OSGi] Classloader layer and OSGi API facade - 'measuring' our OSGi compliance.
Tests should also cover back compatibility with existing UCL:
- import *
- export *
- import not local
- import not system [filter]
- hierarchical dependency graph
- translator
- replace system classloader
- unit testing classloader
- management console classloader
- proper EE client application exposure
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16 years