[JBoss JIRA] Created: (BPEL-224) Associate the integration control with the process definition, not the context class loader
by Alejandro Guizar (JIRA)
Associate the integration control with the process definition, not the context class loader
Key: BPEL-224
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/BPEL-224
Project: JBoss jBPM BPEL
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: jBPM BPEL 1.1 beta 2
Reporter: Alejandro Guizar
Assigned To: Alejandro Guizar
Fix For: jBPM BPEL 1.1 beta 3
Earlier versions associated the integration control (which mantains the active jms message listeners and the outstanding requests of a single process definition) with the context class loader because there is one business process per web application. However, this prevents code running outside of the web application (such as a job executor) from accessing the integration control and manipulating the jms objects.
The proposal is to associate the integration control with the process definition instead of the context class loader. This allows any code with knowledge of the process definition to access the integration control. The job executor, for example, retains the token identifier.
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17 years, 8 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (BPEL-223) Convert IntegrationServlet to a servlet context listener
by Alejandro Guizar (JIRA)
Convert IntegrationServlet to a servlet context listener
Key: BPEL-223
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/BPEL-223
Project: JBoss jBPM BPEL
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: Engine
Reporter: Alejandro Guizar
Assigned To: Alejandro Guizar
Fix For: jBPM BPEL 1.1 beta 3
ServletContextListeners are a viable alternative to servlets for initializing and destroying the integration control. From the Servlet 2.4 spec, section 10.2:
"Servlet event listeners support event notifications for state changes in the ServletContext, HttpSession and ServletRequest objects.
Servlet context listeners are used to **manage resources** or state held at a JVM level for the application."
Their intent definitely seems to match our purposes.
Section 10.2.2 provides an example. When the application starts up, the listener creates a connection to the database and stores it in the servlet context. Servlets access the connection from the context as needed. When the application shuts down, the listener closes the connection.
Our listener could initialize the integration control and store it in the servlet context, then destroy it.
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17 years, 8 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (BPEL-222) soap message creation fails under jbossws 1.0.3 and above
by Alejandro Guizar (JIRA)
soap message creation fails under jbossws 1.0.3 and above
Key: BPEL-222
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/BPEL-222
Project: JBoss jBPM BPEL
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Reporter: Alejandro Guizar
Assigned To: Alejandro Guizar
Because of a change in the saaj implementation first introduced in jbossws 1.0.3, jbpm bpel can no longer use the same code to create a fault message under both the old and the new services stack.
The proposed solution is to introduce a class hierarchy for creating fault messages modeled after the Strategy pattern. This hierarchy encapsulates the different ways a fault message is created. Two strategies exist at this time:
a) The default strategy adds a soap:fault element of type SOAPFault. This is what a developer normally would do. This should work on most stacks, including jbossws. It does *not* work under the old Axis-based stack used JBoss AS 4.0.3 and earlier.
b) The backwards compatibility strategy adds a soap:fault element of type SOAPElement. Altough jboss ws4ee allows to add a SOAPFault, the marshaling code is broken and no detail entry gets written.
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17 years, 8 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (BPEL-221) QNameType persists namespace property in LOCALNAME_ column
by Alejandro Guizar (JIRA)
QNameType persists namespace property in LOCALNAME_ column
Key: BPEL-221
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/BPEL-221
Project: JBoss jBPM BPEL
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: Engine
Affects Versions: jBPM BPEL 1.1 beta 2
Reporter: Alejandro Guizar
Assigned To: Alejandro Guizar
Fix For: jBPM BPEL 1.1 beta 3
Mapping files containing qname properties specify the local name column first, the namespace URI column second. However, QNameType stores the namespace URI property in the first column and the local name in the second column.
This problem can be fixed either changing 25 occurrences of qname properties or ammending QNameType so that it stores the namespace URI in the second column. The latter option seems less troublesome.
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17 years, 8 months