[JBoss JIRA] (DROOLS-3944) DMN Editor: Data type usability study
by Elizabeth Clayton (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/DROOLS-3944?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Elizabeth Clayton updated DROOLS-3944:
Sprint: 2019 Week 23-25
> DMN Editor: Data type usability study
> -------------------------------------
> Key: DROOLS-3944
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/DROOLS-3944
> Project: Drools
> Issue Type: Task
> Components: DMN Editor
> …
[View More] Environment: Version 7.4
> Reporter: Elizabeth Clayton
> Assignee: Sarahjane Clark
> Priority: Major
> Labels: UX, UXTeam, Usability, drools-tools
> Lightweight usability study to test the ease of use in viewing, creating, editing and deleting data types, particularly structured data types.
> GOALS: Access the Data Type editor in terms of productivity and usability.
> * Ease of use when creating a complex type (concern: minimizing the mouse usage.)
> * Ease of use when saving a basic data type (e.g. age: number)
> * Discoverability of actions in the kebab menu, especially, insert nested, delete.
> * Ease of use/accuracy: Type-ahead of the data type selector.
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7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-12461) Can't use smallrye-health without weld extension
by Florian Sailer (Jira)
Florian Sailer created WFLY-12461:
Summary: Can't use smallrye-health without weld extension
Key: WFLY-12461
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-12461
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Bug
Components: MP Health
Affects Versions: 17.0.1.Final
Reporter: Florian Sailer
Assignee: Jeff Mesnil
Since this commit in the smallrye implementation it was …
[View More]possible to use smallrye without CDI.
I'm trying to migrate from Wildfly 15.0.1-Final to 17.0.1-Final, where the smallrye-health extension unfortunately needs weld to startup. It's not possbible for me to activate weld on my sever, because there are some problems using the org.apache.cxf.jaxrs framework with weld.
I am getting the following exception while starting:
14:16:04,960 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0362: Capabilities required by resource '/subsystem=microprofile-health-smallrye' are not available:
org.wildfly.weld; There are no known registration points which can provide this capability.
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2 years, 1 month
[JBoss JIRA] (WFLY-11255) EE Concurrency Utilities Managed Executors / Thread Pool runtime stats
by Eduardo Martins (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11255?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Eduardo Martins updated WFLY-11255:
Git Pull Request: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/pull/12567, https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-proposals/pull/243 (was: https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly/pull/12567)
> EE Concurrency Utilities Managed Executors / Thread Pool runtime stats
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> …
[View More] Key: WFLY-11255
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-11255
> Project: WildFly
> Issue Type: Feature Request
> Components: Concurrency Utilities
> Affects Versions: 14.0.0.Final
> Reporter: Brad Maxwell
> Assignee: Eduardo Martins
> Priority: Major
> The managed executors / thread pools in the EE subsytem currently do not show any runtime information when invoked with include-runtime=true, the current thread pool size, queue length and such would be useful to check the performance and tuning.
> {code}
> /subsystem=ee/managed-executor-service=default:read-resource(include-runtime=true,recursive=true)
> {
> "outcome" => "success",
> "result" => {
> "context-service" => "default",
> "core-threads" => undefined,
> "hung-task-threshold" => 60000L,
> "jndi-name" => "java:jboss/ee/concurrency/executor/default",
> "keepalive-time" => 5000L,
> "long-running-tasks" => false,
> "max-threads" => undefined,
> "queue-length" => undefined,
> "reject-policy" => "ABORT",
> "thread-factory" => undefined
> }
> }
> {code}
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5 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFCORE-4642) Add ability to run chunks of the integration testsuite against Galleon-slimmed server
by Brian Stansberry (Jira)
Brian Stansberry created WFCORE-4642:
Summary: Add ability to run chunks of the integration testsuite against Galleon-slimmed server
Key: WFCORE-4642
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-4642
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Task
Components: Build System
Reporter: Brian Stansberry
Assignee: Brian Stansberry
Develop a set of Galleon layers …
[View More]that aligns with how we expect a WildFly Core server in a cloud scenario to be provisioned. Provision such a server in some of the testsuite modules and execute as many of the tests as possible against it.
Goal is to surface any weaknesses in our expected configuration and to guard against behavior regressions.
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5 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (ELY-1872) elytron-tool.sh usage with symbolic links
by Ilia Vassilev (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ELY-1872?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.s... ]
Ilia Vassilev moved JBEAP-17520 to ELY-1872:
Project: WildFly Elytron (was: JBoss Enterprise Application Platform)
Key: ELY-1872 (was: JBEAP-17520)
Workflow: GIT Pull Request workflow (was: CDW with loose statuses v1)
> elytron-tool.sh usage with symbolic links
> -----------------------------------------
> Key: ELY-…
[View More]1872
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ELY-1872
> Project: WildFly Elytron
> Issue Type: Bug
> Environment: Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (7.2.3)
> Reporter: Ilia Vassilev
> Assignee: Ilia Vassilev
> Priority: Major
> It looks like elytron-tool.sh doesn't work well with symbolic links.
> The soft link becomes a credential store - in a "standard" file - with the newly added alias but the original credential store will not be updated.
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5 years, 6 months
[JBoss JIRA] (WFCORE-4623) Intermittent failures in IdentityOperationsTestCase
by Brian Stansberry (Jira)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-4623?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Brian Stansberry commented on WFCORE-4623:
This looks like a JVM bug:
MSC service thread 1-4
-- locked <0xa7769568> (a java.io.File)
-- running clinit of java.nio.file.FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder
-- waiting to lock <0xa71ae1b8> (a java.lang.Runtime)
MSC service thread 1-8
-- locked <0xa718dae0> (a java.lang.Class for java.security.…
[View More]Security)
-- locked <0xa71ae1b8> (a java.lang.Runtime)
-- waiting for completion of clinit of java.nio.file.FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder
The dump doesn't show 'locks' for this, but internally the VM will only allow one thread to do a clinit, so effectively thread 1-4 has 'locked java.nio.file.FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder' while 1-8 is 'waiting to lock java.nio.file.FileSystems$DefaultFileSystemHolder'. So typical deadlock, two threads acquiring locks in different order.
> Intermittent failures in IdentityOperationsTestCase
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Key: WFCORE-4623
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFCORE-4623
> Project: WildFly Core
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: Security
> Reporter: Brian Stansberry
> Assignee: Ashley Abdel-Sayed
> Priority: Major
> Attachments: WFCORE-4623_hang.txt
> IdentityOperationsTestCase fails intermittently, producing a set of 21 failures. When this happens the entire job seems to time out.
> https://ci.wildfly.org/project.html?projectId=WildFlyCore_PullRequest&bui...
> The problem seems to involve a server not being able to reach MSC stability during boot and then a lot of problems trying to roll back the boot op. The latter are kind of noise, i.e. the stack trace bit in the snippet below. The key thing is the failure to get MSC stability.
> {code}
> 17:11:15,658 INFO (main) [org.wildfly.security] <Version.java:55> ELY00001: WildFly Elytron version 1.10.0.CR5
> 17:11:15,878 INFO (main) [org.jboss.msc] <ServiceContainerImpl.java:90> JBoss MSC version 1.4.8.Final
> 17:11:15,893 INFO (main) [org.jboss.threads] <Version.java:52> JBoss Threads version 2.3.3.Final
> 17:11:16,027 TRACE (main) [org.wildfly.security] <SecurityDomain.java:1056> Building security domain with defaultRealmName Empty.
> 17:11:16,037 TRACE (main) [org.wildfly.security] <SecurityDomain.java:708> Role mapping: principal [anonymous] -> decoded roles [] -> realm mapped roles [] -> domain mapped roles []
> 17:11:16,312 TRACE (MSC service thread 1-2) [org.wildfly.extension.elytron] <ProviderDefinitions.java:238> Loaded providers [WildFlyElytron version 1.0]
> 17:16:16,313 ERROR (Controller Boot Thread) [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] <OperationContextImpl.java:489> WFLYCTL0348: Timeout after [300] seconds waiting for service container stability. Operation will roll back. Step that first updated the service container was 'add' at address '[("path" => "jboss.server.data.dir")]'
> 17:16:21,322 ERROR (Controller Boot Thread) [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] <AbstractOperationContext.java:1525> WFLYCTL0190: Step handler org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractAddStepHandler$1@b0b65f for operation add at address [
> ("subsystem" => "elytron"),
> ("filesystem-realm" => "FileSystemRealm")
> ] failed handling operation rollback -- java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
> at org.jboss.as.controller.OperationContextImpl.waitForRemovals(OperationContextImpl.java:523)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext$Step.handleResult(AbstractOperationContext.java:1518)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext$Step.finalizeInternal(AbstractOperationContext.java:1472)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext$Step.finalizeStep(AbstractOperationContext.java:1455)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext$Step.access$400(AbstractOperationContext.java:1319)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext.executeResultHandlerPhase(AbstractOperationContext.java:876)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext.processStages(AbstractOperationContext.java:726)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.AbstractOperationContext.executeOperation(AbstractOperationContext.java:467)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.OperationContextImpl.executeOperation(OperationContextImpl.java:1413)
> at org.jboss.as.controller.ModelControllerImpl.boot(ModelControllerImpl.java:495)
> {code}
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5 years, 6 months