Richard Ambridge updated JBRULES-2319:
Attachment: TryMe_workspace.tar.bz2
Here is my Eclipse workspace tar and bz2
When using from (CE) the objects loaded are not available to RHS if
the objects are events
Key: JBRULES-2319
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: drools-core
Affects Versions: 5.0.1.FINAL
Environment: Ubuntu, Eclipse
Reporter: Richard Ambridge
Assignee: Mark Proctor
Attachments: TryMe_workspace.tar.bz2
If I create the sample project from Eclipse, and modify DroolsTest to contain:
ArrayList<Message> a=new ArrayList<Message>();
Message a1=new Message(); a1.setId(1); a1.setMessage("mesC:7");
a1.setStatus(Message.HELLO); a.add(a1);
Message a2=new Message(); a2.setId(2);a2.setMessage("mesC:8");
ksession.setGlobal("data", a);
And set the environment as STREAM,
conf.setOption( EventProcessingOption.STREAM );
and then have a rule:
package com.sample
import com.sample.DroolsTest.Message;
global java.util.ArrayList data;
declare Message
@role( event )
rule "Hello World"
a : Message(id==4)
m : Message(id!=a.id, message==a.message) from data
System.out.println( "a is:"+a+" m is:"+m );
The result is:
a is:Message:[4] msg:mesC:7 m is:null
Notice, m is NULL
if you change this to fact based, m will contain the correct value.
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