Stefan Guilhen updated JBAS-8169:
Fix Version/s: 6.0.0.Final
Make default values of org.jboss.metadata.IorSecurityConfigMetaData
Key: JBAS-8169
Project: JBoss Application Server
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: IIOP service
Affects Versions: JBossAS-4.2.2.GA, JBossAS-5.1.0.GA, 6.0.0.M3
Reporter: Dimitris Andreadis
Assignee: Stefan Guilhen
Fix For: 6.0.0.Final
User wants to allow the configuration of all IOR default parameters that are hard coded
in org.jboss.metadata.IorSecurityConfigMetaData ([SasContext : callerPropagation] and
[AsContext : authMethod, realm, required] and [TransportConfig : integrity,
confidentiality, detectMisordering, detectReplay, establishTrustInTarget,
Mostly they want to be able to configure [AsContext : realm] and [SasContext :
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