Darrin Mison commented on JBRULES-1908:
I've actually been reassigned to another product team so I don't have any time to
allocate to drools/guvnor issues unfortunately. I will bring this JIRA to the attention
of Lee Carlon who has taken over my role on the BRMS docs.
updated Drools docs content from SOA 4.2.CP03 Rules Guide
Key: JBRULES-1908
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: drools-docs-expert
Reporter: Darrin Mison
Assignee: Geoffrey De Smet
Fix For: 5.3.0.M1
I revised the language of the "Insertion" section while fixing a couple of
reported grammatical errors for the 4.2.CP03 SOA Rules Guide.
The original language is the same in:
, so these changes would also apply to the most recent docs.
Updated content below, the section ids are different but you get the idea ;-)
<firstterm>Insertion</firstterm> is the act of telling the WorkingMemory
about the facts.
In many Expert Systems the term used for this concept is
<firstterm>assert</firstterm> or
However as the keyword <methodname>assert</methodname> is already
in many languages, Drools uses the keyword & term
You will often encounter these terms used interchangably in discussion of
Rules Engines.
When inserted, the rule is examined for matches against the rules. The work
of determining what rules to fire is done during insertion, but no rules are
executed at this time. The rules are executed when
<methodname>fireAllRules()</methodname> is called, and it should only be
after you have inserted all your facts.
It is a common misconception that rule matching occurs when
<methodname>fireAllRules()</methodname> is called.
When an Object is inserted it returns a FactHandle. This FactHandle is the
token used to represent your inserted Object inside the WorkingMemory, it is
also how you will interact with the Working Memory when you wish to retract
or modify an object.
<programlisting language="java">Cheese stilton = new
FactHandle stiltonHandle = session.insert( stilton );</programlisting>
As mentioned in
a Working Memory can operate in two assertions modes:
and <firstterm>identity</firstterm>. Identity is the default mode. The
mode determines how the Working Memory stores the facts and how it compares the
newly inserted fact to previously inserted ones. If the Working Memory
determines the fact to "be the same" as an already inserted one it will
the new fact and return the FactHandle for the previously inserted one.
Identity Mode uses an <classname>IdentityHashMap</classname>to
store all
asserted Objects. New facts being inserted are compared to existing facts
"by reference". A new FactHandle will be returned if the object
inserted is not a reference to an object that has been inserted previously.
Equality Mode uses a <classname>HashMap</classname> to store all
Objects. New facts being inserted are compared to existing facts "by
A new FactHandle will be returned if the content of the object is not
identical to that of a previously inserted object.
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