Radoslav Husar updated WFLY-12757:
Component/s: MP Config
MP Fault Tolerance
MP Health
MP Metrics
MP OpenTracing
Create 'microprofile' integration test module
Key: WFLY-12757
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Task
Components: MP Config, MP Fault Tolerance, MP Health, MP Metrics, MP OpenAPI, MP
Reporter: Radoslav Husar
Assignee: Radoslav Husar
Priority: Major
Fix For: 19.0.0.Beta1
We need a place where to stick microprofile integration tests which run against a server
provisioned with all microprofile integration modules. Moreover, since these modules are
not in the default server configuration, we will use galleon to provision the server with
fault-tolerance, jwt, openapi, etc galleon layers.