Hayk Hovsepyan resolved HAWKULARQE-83.
Resolution: Done
Hawkular Wildfly agent will be gone after TP3 release.
Task is outdated.
Create test cases for hawkular-wildfly-agent-installer.jar
Project: Hawkular QE
Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Filip Brychta
Assignee: Hayk Hovsepyan
hawkular-wildfly-agent-installer.jar has following options:
-D, --D Defines system properties to set
--installer-config Installer .properties configuration file
--encryption-key If specified, this is used to decode the
properties that were encrypted. If you do not provide a value with the option, you will be
prompted for one.
--encryption-salt The salt used for generating the key. Recommended,
if encryption is used. If not specified, the same value as the key will be used.
--enabled Indicates if the agent should be enabled at
--config-only Skip installation of the add-ons modules, and only
update the server config (e.g. standalone.xml).
--target-location Target home directory of the application server
where the agent is to be installed
--module-dist Hawkular WildFly Agent Module distribution zip
file - can be a file path or URL
--server-url Server URL where the agent will send its
monitoring data. This is a string to be set as the storage adapter URL.
--download-server-url Server URL from which the installer will download
content it may need. If not specified and the installer needs to download something then
--server-url will be used.
--target-config The target configuration file to write to. Can be
either absolute path or relative to target-location
--subsystem-snippet Customized subsystem XML content that overrides
the default subsystem configuration
--managed-server-name The agent will use this name to refer to the
server where it is deployed and locally managing.
--feed-id The feed ID that the agent will use to identify
its data.
--tenant-id The tenant ID that the agent will ask to be used.
Usually only used when in metrics-only mode.
--metrics-only If true, the agent will be configured to run in
metrics-only mode (inventory will not be stored and no websocket connection to a Hawkular
Server will be made.) If true, you must specify a tenant-id.
--managed-server-resource-type-sets If true, the agent will be configured to monitor
these resource type sets. If not provided, a default set will be used based on the type of
application server where the agent is being installed into (standalone or domain).
--keystore-path Keystore file. Required when server-url protocol
is https
--keystore-password Keystore password. When server-url protocol is
https and this option is not passed, installer will ask for password
--username User the agent will use when connecting to
Hawkular Server.
--password Credentials agent will use when connecting to
Hawkular Server.
We need to create test cases to cover that