Cheng Fang moved JBEAP-18837 to WFLY-13175:
Project: WildFly (was: JBoss Enterprise Application Platform)
Key: WFLY-13175 (was: JBEAP-18837)
Workflow: GIT Pull Request workflow (was: CDW with loose statuses v1)
Component/s: EJB
(was: EJB)
Affects Version/s: (was: 7.2.4.GA)
Expressions in jboss-ejb-client.xml don't work for client-context
Key: WFLY-13175
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Bug
Components: EJB
Reporter: Cheng Fang
Assignee: Cheng Fang
Priority: Minor
[WFLY-4303] made it possible to use expressions in jboss-ejb-client.xml
However that doesn't seem to work everywhere. We tried to make several especially
timeout related properties configurable and while expressions work at most places, in the
case of {{client-context invocation-timeout}} they don't and we get a
java.lang.NumberFormatException for the string specified as the value of the
Would it be possible to make the {{client-context invocation-timeout}} work with
expressions as well?
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