Davide Sottara edited comment on DROOLS-479 at 5/30/14 9:13 AM:
Please see my comments on the pull request
"The problem is actually a race between the FireThread and the main thread. In Drools
6, the rule is evaluated and enabled when "fire" kicks in for the first time.
The rule is then scheduled +3s later as soon as the time advances. In your case, when you
advance the pseudo clock.
However, it may be the case that the main thread will advance the clock BEFORE the Fire
Thread has activated the rule. If so, the rule will be considered the NEXT time you
advance (again) the time. To make this test work, you'll have to make sure that the
FireThread is awakened at least once before you move the pseudo clock"
was (Author: dsotty):
Please see my comments on the pull request
Pseudo Clock doesn't work for 2 not statements
Key: DROOLS-479
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 6.0.1.Final, 6.1.0.Beta3
Environment: linux 14.04
Reporter: Richard Ambridge
Assignee: Mark Proctor
Labels: pseudoclock
If a rule (event) has the following:
+ "when\n"
+ " $s : Cheese(type==\"stinky\")\n"
+ " not( Cheese(type==\"a\", this after [0s,3s] $s )
+ " not( Cheese(type==\"b\", this after [0s,5s] $s )
)\n" //2 * not
and pseudo clock is used, the rule doesn't fire.
If realtime clock is used, the rule works.
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