Diana Vilkolakova commented on ELY-1998:
[~rlucente-se-jboss] Do you by any chance have some experience with FIPS BC configuration
on JDK11 ? Is it possible to setup default SecureRandom in java.security file?
IllegalStateException: unable to create JcaTlsCrypto: DEFAULT
SecureRandom not available when configuring BC FIPS on JDK 11
Key: ELY-1998
Project: WildFly Elytron
Issue Type: Bug
Components: SSL
Reporter: Diana Vilkolakova
Priority: Major
The below steps require ELY-1982 bugfix to work.
Configure security providers in java.security file:
Add the bc-fips.jar and bctls-fips-1.0.10.jar to the CLASSPATH and generate keystore in
JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration folder:
keytool -genkeypair -alias appserver -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keypass password
-keystore "fips.keystore" -provider
org.bouncycastle.jcajce.provider.BouncyCastleFipsProvider -providerpath $CLASSPATH
-storetype BCFKS -storepass password -dname
"CN=testserver,OU=TESTOU,O=TESTO,L=TESTL,ST=TESTCZ,C=TESTCZ" -validity 730 -v
Try to configure `server-ssl-context`:
module add --name=org.bouncycastle.fips
relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir, credential-reference={clear-text=password},
type="BCFKS", providers=bc)
/subsystem=elytron/key-manager=fipsKM:add(key-store=fipsKS, algorithm="X509",
credential-reference={clear-text=password}, providers=bc)
protocols=["TLSv1.2"], providers=bc)
The last command results in:
"outcome" => "failed",
"failure-description" => {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" =>
{"org.wildfly.security.ssl-context.fipsSSC" => "Failed to start service
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: unable to create JcaTlsCrypto: DEFAULT
SecureRandom not available
Caused by: java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException: DEFAULT SecureRandom not
"rolled-back" => true
The exception is happening [on this
. This exception can be avoided by either using *new SecureRandom()* instead of null
during initialization of sslContext, or by configuring securerandom with using
*CryptoServicesRegistrar.setSecureRandom(new SecureRandom());* in code beforehand (this
would require bc dependency).
I tried to configure secure random statically by setting
*securerandom.strongAlgorithms=DEFAULT:BCFIPS* in java.security or by trying to pass
secure random as parameter to constructor with
but neither had any effect. I did not find how to configure this statically for Java 11
in BC documentation.
We could pass new instance of SecureRandom when initializing sslContext (if bouncycastle
is used), or set secureRandom beforehand, or catch this exception and then use `new
SecureRandom()`. But should we force the users to use SecureRandom set in the code by us?
If users want to use Bouncycastle they should configure the secure random themselves since
it is needed by the provider?