Avoid direct invocation of PMMLModelExecutor.evaluate
Key: DROOLS-5360
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Gabriele Cardosi
Assignee: Gabriele Cardosi
Priority: Major
Labels: TrustyAI
-Change PMMLModelExecutor public API so that user should not retrieve the KiePMMLModel to
invoke the "evaluate" method-
-PMML4Result evaluate(final KieBase knowledgeBase, KiePMMLModel model, PMMLContext
-PMML4Result evaluate(final KieBase knowledgeBase, String modelName, PMMLContext
-Create AbstractPMMLModelExecutor that implement the above interface and declare an
abstract method-
-PMML4Result evaluate(final KieBase knowledgeBase, KiePMMLModel model, PMMLContext
-AbstractPMMLModelExecutor should then use KnoweledgeBaseUtils to retrieve the
KiePMMLModel and invoke/delegate to actual implementations-
-Actual implementations should then extend AbstractPMMLModelExecutor-
The PMMLModelExecutor API should be intended as private API, i.e. users should not invoke
it directly, nor they should need to retrieve the KiePMMLModel.
Unfortunately, for the moment being the KiePMMLModel is needed to retrieve the actual
implementation of PMMLModelExecutor, so it is not possible to invoke
on it using only the model name without retrieve the KiePMMLModel itself before.
For the moment being this ticket will remove usage of PMMLModelExecutor implementation
inside integrations tests.
Moreover, there will also be a small name refactoring to uniform the name of the classes
in the hierarchy, so that the main interface will be
PMMLModelEvaluator, and all the implementing class will end with "Evaluator"