Lin Gao edited comment on JBJCA-1334 at 9/29/16 4:09 AM:
This Jira is created by cloning the WFLY-7214.
The reason for the problem is that {{AbstractDsDeployer}} [added the DataSource into
before it knows that the DataSource deployment will succeed. Move the addition a little
late will solve the problem.
{{test-connection-in-pool()}} operation in WildFly CLI tries to match the DataSource by
iterating DataSouces in the ManagementRepository.
Left the failed DataSource in the ManagementRepository is an error tone, so we need to
clear it in case of exceptions.
was (Author: gaol):
This Jira is created by cloning the WFLY-7214.
The reason for the problem is that {{AbstractDsDeployer}} [added the DataSource into
before it knows that the DataSource deployment will succeed. Move the addition a little
late will solve the problem.
Add DataSource to ManagementRepository only after deployed
Key: JBJCA-1334
Project: IronJacamar
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Deployer
Reporter: Lin Gao
Assignee: Jesper Pedersen
When a data-source was failed to be added either because of missing
or missing of connection-url:
/subsystem=datasources/data-source=XXX:add(jndi-name=java:/XXX, driver-name=h2)
, it can be added by correcting the information, like:
[standalone@localhost:9990 /]
{"outcome" => "success"}
But the {{test-connection-in-pool()}} operation failed with {{IllegalStateException}} of
the new created data-source.
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