Brian Stansberry moved WFLY-1098 to WFCORE-341:
Project: WildFly Core (was: WildFly)
Key: WFCORE-341 (was: WFLY-1098)
Component/s: Domain Management
(was: Domain Management)
monolithic config file and modules make deploying to JBossAS7 nasty
Key: WFCORE-341
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Domain Management
Reporter: Paul Hinds
Previous versions of JBoss could be configured by copying files to the correct place.
Each server in the cluster had identical config, this made configuring JBoss just a case
of running rsync with files that you had an interest in.
Consider jboss-log4j.xml which was one file you could copy to setup logging. Now to setup
logging we need to hack standalone.xml with XSLT or some tool that we dont yet have in our
simple deployment system.
Previously we could rsync a new file to each server in the cluster and it would apply the
new logging at runtime. Now we would have to updates standalone.xml at runtime which is
not something that seems safe.
Adding a DataSource used to be a case of copy driver jar to /lib, copy -ds.xml to /deploy
that process is now complicated.
Port bindings ditto.
JMS ditto.
Is there any way the monolithic config could be split up? most importantly bringing back
external runtime configurable log4j config.