Stuart Douglas resolved WFLY-4196.
Fix Version/s: 9.0.0.Beta1
Resolution: Rejected
This is not really a bug, however I am updating Undertow to use setContentLength instead
of setContentLengthLong where possible (which should be pretty much all cases).
HTTP protocol violation
Key: WFLY-4196
Project: WildFly
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Web (Undertow)
Affects Versions: 8.1.0.Final, 8.2.0.Final
Reporter: Nicolas Cazottes
Assignee: Stuart Douglas
Priority: Blocker
Fix For: 9.0.0.Beta1
Attachments: bug-wildfly-gzip-war-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war,
If you deploy the given war in wildfly and open this url
http://localhost:8080/bug/images/download.png : it seems to work correctly but if you run
it with fiddler2 active, fiddler reports a protocol violation on the Content-Length header
Actually, If the content is some js or css, the browser does not correctly reads it and
the web page is corrupted.
The explanation is that the web application uses a filter to compress the content in gzip
For information, this application works correctly with jboss as 7 or before (that embed
tomcat). I discovered the problem while trying to upgrade my application.