Jeff Mesnil updated WFWIP-249:
Summary: sessionAffinity doesn't cause a requests from a same IP to be served by
single endpoint (was: sessionAffinity doesn't cause a requests from a same IP to be
served by single endpont)
sessionAffinity doesn't cause a requests from a same IP to be
served by single endpoint
Key: WFWIP-249
Project: WildFly WIP
Issue Type: Bug
Components: OpenShift
Reporter: Petr Kremensky
Assignee: Jeff Mesnil
Priority: Critical
Labels: operator
It is expected, that if the {{sessionAffinity=true}}, the requests from a client with a
same IP should be served by the same endpoint, using the latest upstream operator with the
quickstart example:
$ oc patch wildflyserver quickstart -p '\[{"op":"replace",
"path":"/spec/sessionAffinity", "value":false}\]' --type
$ oc describe service/quickstart-loadbalancer | grep Session
Session Affinity: None
$ for i in {1..4} ; do echo `curl -s quickstart-route-wildfly.apps-crc.testing` ; done
$ oc patch wildflyserver quickstart -p '[{"op":"replace",
"path":"/spec/sessionAffinity", "value":true}]' --type
$ oc describe service/quickstart-loadbalancer | grep Session
Session Affinity: ClientIP
$ for i in {1..4} ; do echo `curl -s quickstart-route-wildfly.apps-crc.testing` ; done
{{sessionAffinity=true}} should make all responses to be served by the same endpoint