Brian Stansberry moved WFLY-1019 to WFCORE-323:
Project: WildFly Core (was: WildFly)
Key: WFCORE-323 (was: WFLY-1019)
Component/s: Domain Management
(was: Domain Management)
Validate composite operation steps just before executing them
Key: WFCORE-323
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Domain Management
Reporter: Brian Stansberry
Assignee: Brian Stansberry
Labels: EAP
Say we have a composite operation with 2 steps:
1) /extension=org.jboss.as.messaging:add
2) /subsystem=messaging:add
This will fail:
Failed to execute batch: JBAS014739: No handler for add at address
[("subsystem" => "messaging")]
This fails because at the time of validation the /subsystem=messaging:add is not valid.
To illustrate, the execution order is
Validate 1-2
A possible solution is to convert this to the following:
V2 (works now because 1 has registered the subsystem API)
I think that should work but it's a very complex area, particularly in a managed
domain, so it's not at all certain this would prove feasible.