Gabriele Cardosi commented on DROOLS-4727:
That message is the sign of a bug (I have to investigate) - the "Gjc" is only
the "obfuscated" variable name.
By itself, the operation you tried is somehow related to what you pointed at
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/DROOLS-4726, so it is something to clarify.
[~danielezonca] wdyt ?
Unclear message when user tries to bind a fact on the Background tab
Key: DROOLS-4727
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Scenario Simulation and Testing
Affects Versions: 7.30.0.Final
Reporter: Jozef Marko
Assignee: Gabriele Cardosi
Priority: Major
Labels: ScenarioSimulation
Attachments: bind.webm
See the attached video. There is confusing message when user bind a fact on Background
tab and tries to continue work with the editor. The current message is like _Can not read
GJg undefined property_.
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