Brian Stansberry moved WFLY-1017 to WFCORE-405:
Project: WildFly Core (was: WildFly)
Key: WFCORE-405 (was: WFLY-1017)
Component/s: Domain Management
(was: Domain Management)
Filesystem deployment scanner for a managed domain
Key: WFCORE-405
Project: WildFly Core
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Domain Management
Environment: Ubuntu 12.04 Os , JBOSS As 7.1.0 final
Reporter: hitesh yadav
Original Estimate: 1 day, 4 hours
Remaining Estimate: 1 day, 4 hours
Is there any folder or path at which if any .war is put, in such a way that when JBOSS AS
7.1.0 start in domain mode the .war file deploy in Master node and it's related slave
For Example......... In standalone mode if we put .war file in
/jboss-as-7.1.0.Final/standalone/deployments/ folder and start the JBOSS AS 7.1.0 in
standalone mode ,the .war deploy properly.......i want same thing domain mode, in
other-server-group .....
Means the requirement is that the .war file should put in one folder and when JBOSS AS
7.1.0 start in domain mode the .war file should deploy in other-server-group