Richard Achmatowicz commented on AS7-984:
The requirement here is to be able to do two things when running a testsuite:
(i) specify the relevant JVM stack preference system properties (namely
java.net.preferIPv4Stack and java.net.preferIPv6Addresses) for client side and server side
JVMs used in the testsuite
(ii) specify the default bind address used by the server side AS instances
Specifying the bind address is required, as in IPv4 testing, we need to be able to choose
between and a given non-loopback address; and in IPv6 testing we need to be able
to choose between ::1 and a link-local address, site local address, or global address.
Add a switch to run the testsuites with IPv6
Key: AS7-984
Project: Application Server 7
Issue Type: Task
Reporter: Thomas Diesler
Assignee: Thomas Diesler
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