Mario Fusco resolved DROOLS-1100.
Resolution: Rejected
2 patterns in a single CONDITION is unsupported and hence the behaviour is undetermined.
In other words you were relying on a previous bug. In this case 2 columns should be used:
one for each pattern.
Decision table conversion to DRL logic change in some version later
than 6.1.0.Final
Key: DROOLS-1100
Project: Drools
Issue Type: Bug
Reporter: Vytautas Gimbutas
Assignee: Mario Fusco
Attachments: Screen Shot 2016-03-19 at 8.40.40 PM.png
It seems there was a change of how decision tables are converted to DRL in some version
later than 6.1.0. See attached screenshot for decision table i'm trying to generate.
In 6.1.0.Final this gets converted to:
// rule values at C42, header at C37
rule "X_42"
no-loop true
salience 65494
$p: Project(id == "40098")
$c: Client()
modify($c) { incrementPricingStep(2, 8); }
but in 6.4.0.CR1 it gets converted to:
// rule values at C42, header at C37
rule "X_42"
no-loop true
salience 65494
$p: Project()
$c: Client(id == "40098")
modify($c) { incrementPricingStep(2, 8); }
Maybe this is not intentional and caused by accident?