This person is incorrect...
By default, SLSBs use a ThreadLocal pool. So, one instance is created per thread. TheadLocal pools allow you to avoid synchronization.
So basically, you have, by default as many SLSB instances as your greatest volume of concurrent requests.
Download RC9 release and read the documentation on how to change things. For instance, there is a StrictPool setting that will set a max and block requests if that max is met.
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I am trying to consume a remote web service from my EJB running inside JBoss. I want to use ServiceFactoryImp class and am packging "wsdl" and "jaxrpc-mapping.xml" files inside my EJB JAR file as
| META-INF/wsdl/<my-wsdl-file>
| META-INF/jaxrpc-mapping.xml
How do I create the URLs for these files for passing to createService() method of ServiceFactoryImpl class, since EJB specs forbid direct file access?
I have tried following, but it returns null URLs
ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
| URL mappingURL = cl.getResource("jaxrpc-mapping.xml");
| URL wsdlLocationUrl = cl.getResource("enms.wsdl");
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You need something like this;
Properties p = new Properties( );
| //Specify the JNDI properties specific to the vendor.
| p.put("java.naming.factory.initial", "org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
| p.put("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces");
| p.put("java.naming.provider.url","jboss_host_name");
| Context ctx = new InitialContext(p);
| Object ref = context.lookup("path_to_ejb_in_jndi");
| BeanRemoteInterface bean = (BeanRemoteInterface)
| PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref,BeanRemoteInterface.class);
And you will need the remote interface on your classpath and the jboss client lib.
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The most simple way to do this, if you have a webapp with your deployment, is to use a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener and in the contextInitialized() method intialize your TimerBean.
The Timer Service is very limited in many aspects and there was no changes for the Timer Service in EJB3. You should think of using something like Quartz instead which is more configurable and is easier to use than the Timer Service.
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i use jBPM Starters Kit 3.1.2
the server is running and i am playing around with the web console (localhost:8080/jbpm)
Now i want to add some own users (defualt users are cookie monster, bert etc.)
1. where can i find the web console applications directory ? i dont find any director whose name sounds as it would have to do with the web application
i find all diretorys for jmx. console etc. but none for the web console
2. how cann i add / change the users ?
thx a lot
cya daniel
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