[JBoss Seam] - Re: 2 DataModel questions
by bfo81
I've already seen an example with a nested table. But the problem is that you cannot put that nested table in a new ROW, since rows are "connected" only to the entities you iterate. But you can put a "sub-table" in a COLUMN.
2) I had an idea about your second question. You might add a property delete (with default value false) to your listed entities and connect it to a SelectBooleanCheckbox. And at the bottom of the table you have a button "Delete selected items".
<h:dataTable var="item" value="#{listOfItems}" ...
| ...<h:column><h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{item.delete}" /></h:column>...
| </h:dataTable>
| <h:commandButton value="Delete selected items" action="#{actionBean.deleteSelected}" />
| ...
| public String deleteSelected() {
| for (Item item: listOfItems)
| if (item.isDelete())
| em.remove(item);
| return null;
| }
That's the plain idea. I think it should work, but maybe you need to regard things like e.g. reloading the list after deletion. And when having problems with detached entities use em.remove(em.find(Item.class, item.getId())); to work on managed entities.
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18 years, 4 months
[EJB 3.0] - Starting failed persistence; jdbc not bound... Why???
by meuter
I'm new to EJB3 and JBoss. Appologies on forehand for a possible mispost. I have the following problem. I created a web application where i want to handle user registration. A EJB-module handles the creation, authentication and removal of a user on a postgreSQL DB-table. The datasource xml and peristence xml are located in the ejb-module and automatically generated by netbeans 5.5. I double checked those with examples from documentation. The applcation makes use of two servlets to login and register a user. These servlets are also correctly registered according to tutorials. I cannot deploy the application: The fololowing error is generated:
Starting persistence.units:ear=Construct.ear,jar=Construct-ejb.jar,unitName=construct-PU
2006-08-31 12:31:07,971 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb3.entity.PersistenceUnitDeployment] Found persistence.xml file in EJB3 jar
2006-08-31 12:31:07,971 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb3.ServiceDelegateWrapper] Starting failed persistence.units:ear=Construct.ear,jar=Construct-ejb.jar,unitName=construct-PU
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: jdbc not bound
What is happening? The datasource is available is \\jboss\server\default\deploy.
I'm using Windows XP, Netbeans 5.5 beta, Jboss 4.04, postgreSQL 8.1.
Any help is highly appreciated.
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18 years, 4 months
[Clustering/JBoss] - HA-JNDI Namespace in JMX Console
by MarcReis
I have a cluster of two 4.0.4 and have been clustering for a while.
Shortly I noticed that a new test app showed up under the HA-JNDI Namespace, before clustered beans didn?t do that.
They always appeared in the Global Namespace. I didn?t bother with it before, since failover and load balancing still worked. I thought it was just a issue with the view...
After changing a bit here an there on the test app, I at some time noticed that it disappeared form the HA-JNDI to the Global namespace again.
All attempts to get it back under the HA JNDI have failed. The app works ok, but it just doesn?t show up. I did a minimal SFSB to try this again, with no luck.
What config to I need to have, so that theoretically the Bean will land in HA JNDI? If it doesn?t show up there, does this mean the naming will run through HA-JNDI, find nothing, and then go through the Global namespace or is this just a "view" problem ?
Just to show the class (Interfaces are omitted, there naked, just the one method and a field with the jndi name and a @Remote and @Local for the corresponding interface) :
There is just annotation config, no ejb-jar.xml or jboss.xml in the META-INF .
(I did try with them, and diverse settings in each of them. I guess if the problem is the config, I missed the right mix except that one time. I wanted to go simple, since in other apps I had the feeling that the mixing of annotation, ejb xml and jboss xml is at the moment not always working right).
| package de.somewhere.dummy.bean;
| import javax.ejb.Stateful;
| import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.Clustered;
| import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.LocalBinding;
| import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.RemoteBinding;
| import de.somewhere.dummy.interfaces.IDoSomeWorkSFSBLocal;
| import de.somewhere.dummy.interfaces.IDoSomeWorkSFSBRemote;
| @Stateful
| @Clustered(partition= "DefaultPartition", loadBalancePolicy = org.jboss.ha.framework.interfaces.RoundRobin.class)
| @RemoteBinding(jndiBinding = "DUMMY/DoSomeWorkSFSB/remote")
| @LocalBinding(jndiBinding = "DUMMY/DoSomeWorkSFSB/local")
| public class DoSomeWorkSFSB implements IDoSomeWorkSFSBRemote,
| IDoSomeWorkSFSBLocal{
| private String lastString="";
| private String lastResult="";
| public DoSomeWorkSFSB(){
| }
| public String mirrorString(String sText){
| if(sText==lastString)
| return lastResult;
| lastString = sText;
| lastResult = "";
| for (int i=sText.length()-1; i>=0; i--){
| lastResult += sText.charAt(i);
| }
| System.out.println(lastResult);
| return lastResult;
| }
| }
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18 years, 4 months
[JBoss jBPM] - Accessing the underlaying hibernate session / transaction
by harrylette
Hi all!
I am evaluating JBPM for as the workflow engine for my company. I am quite enthusiastic about this nice piece of software. Since a week I surfed this forum and it helped me a lot. Know I am at a point to begin coding my enine, but there is one crucial question:
Am I allowed to use code like this in a Node's ActionHandler:
| public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws Exception {
| this.jbpmContext = executionContext.getJbpmContext();
| jbpmContext.getSession().beginTransaction();
| try {
| doSth();
| } catch (MdcInstanceExistsExcepiton e) {
| handleSth{}
| }
| jbpmContext.save(executionContext.getProcessInstance());
| jbpmContext.getSession().getTransaction().commit();
| executionContext.getNode().leave(executionContext);
| }
My Comments:
1 I KNOW that you do not advise to save sth. in an actionhandler, but we have here some
situations where I have to guarantee that data is really written to the database.
3 I have seen that similar methods in JbpmSession are deprecated. Why?
2 This code works fine within my tests.
My question:
Does this approach actually break anything of the inner workflow of the surrounding jbpmContext?
By the way: Is there a tool out there, that shows me the actual state of all processes? Sth. like
a "JBPM shell" or "JBPM Webmin"? I only know about the StartersKit webapp...
Best Regards & any help is greatfully appreciated!!
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18 years, 4 months