[JBoss Tools] - JSF Project, 1.2 with facelets, ri appl
by Eric J. Van der Velden
Eric J. Van der Velden [http://community.jboss.org/people/ericjvandervelden] created the discussion
"JSF Project, 1.2 with facelets, ri appl"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/587119#587119
I do File -> New -> JSF Project, and I choose 'JSF 1.2 with facelets', 'JSFKickstartWithRILibs' template. This should work as it is. When I do Run As->Run on Server (Tomcat 6), I see
SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method "javax.servlet.jsp.JspApplicationContext.addELResolver(Ljavax/el/ELResolver;)V" the class loader (instance of org/apache/catalina/loader/WebappClassLoader) of the current class, com/sun/faces/config/ConfigureListener, and the class loader (instance of org/apache/catalina/loader/StandardClassLoader) for resolved class, javax/servlet/jsp/JspApplicationContext, have different Class objects for the type javax/el/ELResolver used in the signature
at com.sun.faces.config.ConfigureListener.registerELResolverAndListenerWithJsp(ConfigureListener.java:397)
Eric J.
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13 years, 9 months
[jBPM] - How to "roll back" to previous version of process definitions?
by Martin Girschick
Martin Girschick [http://community.jboss.org/people/magir] created the discussion
"How to "roll back" to previous version of process definitions?"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/587195#587195
I'm trying to describe a rollback process for one of our systems. After deploying new process definitions, new workflows are created using these new definitions, if now the need arrives to roll back to the previous version I'd like to let existing workflows finish in their original version but new workflows shall be created using the old definition. What is the easiest way to accomplish this?
At least in JBPM 3.2, which we're still using JbpmContext.newProcessInstance(...) only returns the most recent definition of the processes. Rolling back the workflow definition database is not an option as existing workflows may already use the newer version.
Did I miss something? Of course I can re-deploy the old definition as a newer version but that's a rather strange method of reverting to an old version :-).
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13 years, 9 months
[jBPM] - Warning logged during close of Message service - why?
by Martin Girschick
Martin Girschick [http://community.jboss.org/people/magir] created the discussion
"Warning logged during close of Message service - why?"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/587193#587193
I'm rather new to JBPM and currently trying to solve a strange issue in one of our systems. The initialisation of the JBPM context is logged on debug level as follow:
[L: org.jbpm.configuration.JbpmContextInfo] - [M: creating jbpm context with service factories '[tx, message, scheduler, persistence, authentication]']
But when the services are closed I see:
[L: org.jbpm.svc.Services] - [M: closing service 'message': org.jbpm.msg.db.DbMessageService...]
[L: org.jbpm.configuration.ObjectFactoryImpl] - [M: no info for object 'jbpmConfiguration'. defined objects: [jbpm.task.instance.factory, resource.default.modules, jbpm.job.executor, resource.varmapping, resource.business.calendar, resource.action.types, resource.parsers, default.jbpm.context, resource.node.types, jbpm.mail.from.address, jbpm.mail.address.resolver, resource.converter, jbpm.mail.smtp.host, jbpm.variable.resolver, resource.mail.templates, jbpm.byte.block.size]]
The second line is logged on WARN level, which triggers our monitoring systems. Surely I can disable the WARN by reconfiguring LOG4J but I wonder why this comes up in the first place. Do I miss some kind of configuration? Only the message service exhibits this behaviour.
I'm using jbpm-jpdl-3.2.3. Upgrading to a more recent version of 3.2 failed because the database schemata seem to have changed.
Any hints are appreciated :-).
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13 years, 9 months
[jBPM] - JBPM 4.4 and Spring Integration Problem: Session is closed
by Bryan Shaw
Bryan Shaw [http://community.jboss.org/people/silverhoof] created the discussion
"JBPM 4.4 and Spring Integration Problem: Session is closed"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/587042#587042
I have encountered problem when I am using JBPM 4.4 with Spring 3.5 and Hibernate 3 and Struts2.
When we put multiple users to use the system, JBPM operation will randomly cause Hibernate Exception states: "Session is closed".
I have checked the JBPM + Spring integration configuration and I can't found error.
Did anybody encountered the same problem here? Please lend a hand to help me.
This is my "jbpm.tx.spring.cfg.xml"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jbpm-configuration spring="enabled">
<command-service name="newTxRequiredCommandService">
<retry-interceptor />
<environment-interceptor policy="requiresNew" />
<spring-transaction-interceptor transaction-manager="transactionManager" policy="requiresNew" current="false"/>
<!-- Default command service has a Spring transaction interceptor-->
<command-service name="txRequiredCommandService">
<retry-interceptor />
<environment-interceptor />
<spring-transaction-interceptor transaction-manager="transactionManager" current="true"/>
<transaction type="spring" />
<hibernate-session current="true" close="false" tx="true"/>
And my jbpm-cfg.xml looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<import resource="jbpm.default.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.tx.spring.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.jpdl.cfg.xml" />
<!--<import resource="jbpm.bpmn.cfg.xml" />-->
<import resource="jbpm.identity.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.businesscalendar.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.console.cfg.xml" />
<import resource="jbpm.jobexecutor.cfg.xml" />
<types resource="jbpm.variable.types.xml" />
We use OpenSessionInView filter in our web application that means every request will have its own hibernate session opened for it.
But we find that even I begin a request handling action method with a call to the JBPM task service it still may cause session is closed error.
Any idea?
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13 years, 9 months
[jBPM] - Accessing bpmn files from jBPM5 console.
by bpmn2user
bpmn2user [http://community.jboss.org/people/bpmn2user] created the discussion
"Accessing bpmn files from jBPM5 console."
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/587133#587133
One can access the bpmn files from jBPM console using two options:
1.) Keep all the process files in a directory and provide the name of this directory using a parameter -Djbpm.console.directory to an application server (e.g., JBOSS/Tomcat).
2.) The bpmn files can also be retrieved from Guvnor, i.e., instead of reading from filesystem.
Currently the code looks for the second option first, i.e, read form Guvnor.If the files are not found, it would look into the local directory specified.
This approach takes significantly more time if the bpmn files are located in the local file system as it would wait for timeout associated with REST calls for process and image files.
I modified the code to change the sequence, i.e look into file system first and Guvnor later. I worked fine for me and I would like share the code if someone wants to use.
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13 years, 9 months