Kris Verlaenen [] created the discussion
"Re: Integrating jBPM BPMNModelEditor with eclipse RCP"
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In theory you should just be able to open up the editor. However, the editor currently does assume you are providing a IFileEditorInput.
I would suggest you get the source code and adjust this so it works in your environment (for example add support for other input types, or export additional classes you might need). Based on your detailed description of the issue, I assume this shouldn't take you too long. You could then open up a JIRA with patch so we can add any changes you made to the codebase, so you can then start using the latest version.
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Kris Verlaenen [] created the discussion
"Re: jBPM 5.0 and Hibernate"
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The default persistence implementation uses JPA, where Hibernate can for example be used as the underlying persistence framework. So you can combine jBPM 5.0 persistence with an existing hibernate solution. If you really want to avoid using JPA altogether and use Hibernate directly, you could plug in your own persistence, where you replace the invocations to JPA in the implementation with direct invocation of the Hibernate equivalent.
Regarding transactions, jBPM 5.0 uses a pluggable mechanism here as well, where by default we use JTA but we also have a Spring implementation (as Spring doesn't provide access to the JTA transaction manager).
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