[jBPM] - Correlation between user, groups, roles for the jbpm console
by a_nat
a_nat [http://community.jboss.org/people/a_nat] created the discussion
"Correlation between user, groups, roles for the jbpm console"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/626012#626012
Hi all,
I have the following doubts, can someone please help:
* jbpm - console : Where do we have the correlation between users, roles and groups for logging into the jbpm console?
* task service : Where do we have the correlation between users, roles and groups for logging into the jbpm console? All that I see is a list of ids in the organizationalentity table? Also, we have only users and groups, don't we have roles concept?
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13 years, 3 months
[jBPM] - Task Owners and Creators
by James Williams
James Williams [http://community.jboss.org/people/williajd] created the discussion
"Task Owners and Creators"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/626009#626009
It seems that when a task is created and has potential owners the actualOwner and creator are set to null. This leads to the problem detailed here http://community.jboss.org/message/621095#621095# http://community.jboss.org/message/621095# for fnding the tasks by potential owners.
So, I have a task where "mary" is a potential owner by being a member of a group. Using the updated Named Query from the other discussion I am able to find the task and assign it to mary using the Mina Task Service. This has the effect of setting the actualOwner of the task to mary as expected. However the task is not being found when executing the Named Query "TasksOwned". I think it is because createdBy on the task is not being set and the query assumes it has some value.
I think I can fix this by changing the query, however, I'm concerned that there does not seem to be a logical way that createdBy is being set. Why have a createdBy field on a task if it is only set when the owner is known at creation time? And if it cannot be relied upon to be there then should any of the queries include it?
I will provide the updated query when I get it working properly.
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13 years, 3 months
[jBPM] - Passing variables to signalEvent
by Donald Walters
Donald Walters [http://community.jboss.org/people/dondragon2] created the discussion
"Passing variables to signalEvent"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/625804#625804
I am using the following to trigger and event in my process:
StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = JPAKnowledgeService.newStatefulKnowledgeSession(kbase, null, env);
ksession.signalEvent("wait4_signal_event", parameters);
parameters is a Map<String,Object> that is created elsewhere.
<intermediateCatchEvent id="wait4_signal" name="wait4_signal">
<signalEventDefinition signalRef="wait4_signal_event"/>
I realize that the parameters that is executed after the signal is sent is not what i passed int he signalEvent. It keeps using the values before the process reached the intermediateCatchEvent in the flow. I saw from some examples that I can use dataOutput to pass a variable. but how can I do this for multiple variables. like those contain in the Map? Or, a different way to pass the variables instead of in a map?
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13 years, 3 months
[JBoss Messaging] - Failover for JMS client takes too long and fail
by Flemming Harms
Flemming Harms [http://community.jboss.org/people/fharms] created the discussion
"Failover for JMS client takes too long and fail"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/625856#625856
I have problem I don't know how to solve. Sometimes the JMS client take to long to failover and throw an exception on the client, this is not consistent but something we can reproduce 6-10 times.
The servers is not stressed at all and the same goes for the client.
- 2 JBoss 5.1 servers running in a cluster
- 2 clients connect to a topic queue
- Messaging client 1.4.7.GA
- remoting 2.5.1
1) if I use the default values "remote-sslbisocket-service.xml" our client thinks it's should failover on startup. This fail with an JMSException and In this case we reconnect to the topic and after this every thing works fine. if I bring down one of the servers, it fail over as expected. But because it fail on startup there is possibility we miss messages because it use a minute to discover the failover didn't work
2) if I change the values validatorPingTimeout to 10000 and validatorPingPeriod = 15000 we are able to start our client with out the JMS client thinks it should failover and messages are received. But if I bring down one of the two servers it fail in the failover procedure with an JMSExeception
2011-09-10 07:37:11,801 [Thread-213] WARN com.apc.dsmf.client.webservices.event.QueueRemoteEventServiceImpl - Failover event FAILURE_DETECTED
2011-09-10 07:37:11,807 [Thread-213] WARN com.apc.dsmf.client.webservices.event.QueueRemoteEventServiceImpl - Failover event FAILOVER_STARTED
2011-09-10 07:38:19,319 [Thread-213] WARN com.apc.dsmf.client.webservices.event.QueueRemoteEventServiceImpl - Failover event FAILOVER_FAILED
2011-09-10 07:38:19,321 [Thread-213] ERROR com.apc.dsmf.client.webservices.event.QueueRemoteEventServiceImpl - Got JMS Exception
javax.jms.JMSException: Failure on underlying remoting connection
at org.jboss.jms.client.remoting.ConsolidatedRemotingConnectionListener.handleConnectionException(ConsolidatedRemotingConnectionListener.java:99)
at org.jboss.remoting.ConnectionValidator$1.run(ConnectionValidator.java:498)
client code :
TopicConnection connection = ((TopicConnectionFactory) lookup).createTopicConnection();session = connection.createTopicSession(true,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);Topic topic = (Topic) context.lookup(JNDI_NAME_REMOTE_EVENT_TOPIC);subscriber = session.createSubscriber(topic);subscriber.setMessageListener(this);connection.setExceptionListener(this);((JBossConnection) connection).registerFailoverListener(this);connection.start();
remote-sslbisocket-service.xml :
<mbean code="org.jboss.remoting.transport.Connector"
display-name="SSL Bisocket Transport Connector">
<attribute name="Configuration">
<invoker transport="sslbisocket">
<!-- There should be no reason to change these parameters - warning!
Changing them may stop JBoss Messaging working correctly -->
<attribute name="marshaller" isParam="true">org.jboss.jms.wireformat.JMSWireFormat</attribute>
<attribute name="unmarshaller" isParam="true">org.jboss.jms.wireformat.JMSWireFormat</attribute>
<attribute name="dataType" isParam="true">jms</attribute>
<attribute name="socket.check_connection" isParam="true">false</attribute>
<attribute name="serverBindAddress">${jboss.bind.address}</attribute>
<attribute name="serverBindPort">4459</attribute>
<attribute name="clientSocketClass" isParam="true">org.jboss.jms.client.remoting.ClientSocketWrapper</attribute>
<attribute name="serverSocketClass">org.jboss.jms.server.remoting.ServerSocketWrapper</attribute>
<attribute name="serverSocketFactory">jboss.messaging:service=ServerSocketFactory,type=SSL</attribute>
<attribute name="clientConnectAddress"></attribute>
<attribute name="onewayThreadPool">org.jboss.jms.server.remoting.DirectThreadPool</attribute>
<!-- the following parameters are useful when there is a firewall between client and server. Uncomment them if so.-->
<attribute name="numberOfCallRetries" isParam="true">5</attribute>
<attribute name="pingFrequency" isParam="true">30000</attribute>
<attribute name="pingWindowFactor" isParam="true">71582</attribute>
<attribute name="generalizeSocketException" isParam="true">true</attribute>
<!-- Now remoting supports socket write timeout configuration. Uncomment this if you need it. -->
<attribute name="writeTimeout" isParam="true">30000</attribute>
<!-- End immutable parameters -->
<attribute name="stopLeaseOnFailure" isParam="true">true</attribute>
<!-- Periodicity of client pings. Server window by default is twice this figure -->
<attribute name="clientLeasePeriod" isParam="true">10000</attribute>
<attribute name="validatorPingPeriod" isParam="true">10000</attribute>
<attribute name="validatorPingTimeout" isParam="true">5000</attribute>
<attribute name="failureDisconnectTimeout" isParam="true">0</attribute>
<attribute name="callbackErrorsAllowed">1</attribute>
<attribute name="registerCallbackListener">false</attribute>
<attribute name="useClientConnectionIdentity" isParam="true">true</attribute>
<attribute name="timeout" isParam="true">0</attribute>
<!-- Max Number of connections in client pool. This should be significantly higher than
the max number of sessions/consumers you expect -->
<attribute name="JBM_clientMaxPoolSize" isParam="true">200</attribute>
<!-- The maximum time to wait before timing out on trying to write a message to socket for delivery -->
<attribute name="callbackTimeout">10000</attribute>
<!-- Use these parameters to specify values for binding and connecting control connections to
work with your firewall/NAT configuration -->
<attribute name="secondaryBindPort">4462</attribute>
<attribute name="secondaryConnectPort">4462</attribute>
<handler subsystem="JMS">org.jboss.jms.server.remoting.JMSServerInvocationHandler</handler>
Catch 22, please help!!!
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13 years, 3 months
[jBPM] - Issues deploying to package
by Dirk Meyer
Dirk Meyer [http://community.jboss.org/people/meyerschalk] created the discussion
"Issues deploying to package"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/625652#625652
Dear All, Thanks for any advice in advance.
I recently have stared the process in upgrading from jbpm3 to jbpm5.
I was use to uploading a *.par file to the JBPM Console.
I now have to upload to guvnor and deploy. I found the following issues:
When creating my own package mypackage in govnor that the *.bpmn are successfully deploy to this package that the process is visible in the jbpm-gwt-console after a build and deploy in Guvnor and after I had added the following entyy on the ChangeSet.xml
<resource source=++'http://localhost:8080/drools-guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/package/mypa...' type='PKG' basicAuthenticathion="enabled" username='admin' passord='admin' />++
+This is located in the jbpm-gwt-console-server.war/WEB-INF/lib/jbpm-gwt-core-5.1.0.Fianal.jar+
I found that if I deploy my *.[process]-image.png and *.[taskname].flt files to this package(mypackage) that the jbpm--gwt-console does not pick up the images or *.flt files to execute.
It do work however if I deploy these files to the defaultPackage under govnor.
Is this a configuration error on my side or a defect in the jbpm-gwt-console because I would have thought that after I have made the changes to ChangeSet.xml that all the package files will be visible to the jbpm-gwt-console?
Please advise if this is a defect or what I need to do to fix this issue.
Kind Regards
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13 years, 3 months