[JBoss Tools] - JBoss Developer Studio or Eclipse JUNO - SEAM 3 projects??
by Jonathan Fuentes
Jonathan Fuentes [https://community.jboss.org/people/jonathanfuentes] created the discussion
"JBoss Developer Studio or Eclipse JUNO - SEAM 3 projects??"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/744831#744831
Hi to all, this is my first post. Currently i work with Eclipse Indigo, Jboss 4.2.3 and Seam 2.2, but i want to migrate to Seam 3 because i want to use newer versions of JSF and RichFaces, and also use Jboss 7, but the documentation about Seam 3 in a IDE like Eclipse doesn't exist, about how to create and configure a Seam 3 project. So, when i saw that JBoss Developer Studio 5 was released, i tought that it will have default support to create new Seam 3 projects, but only has to create projects with Seam 2.3, so i wanna ask you if you have a tutorial or some resource to work with a Seam 3 project in Jboss Developer Studio or in Eclipse Juno? Because i really want to work in the new version but i don't have so much knowledgment about how to create that kind of project in a IDE.
Thanks in advance.
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12 years, 4 months
[JBoss Tools] - Eclipse works, Run doesn't?
by Matt Stockbridge
Matt Stockbridge [https://community.jboss.org/people/mstockbr] created the discussion
"Eclipse works, Run doesn't?"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/744399#744399
I've run into an interesting (read: "agrivating") problem: I can run an instance of JBoss with my .ear just fine from Eclipse using the JBoss tools, but if I try to deploy it by throwing what's in the deploy folder in the Eclipse project into the default/deploy folder in JBoss and running using run.conf.bat I run into some rather nasty JMS problems with one of four queues:
10:50:51,750 ERROR [org.hornetq.ra.HornetQRASessionFactoryImpl] Could not create session: javax.jms.IllegalStateException: Only allowed one session per connection. See the J2EE spec, e.g. J2EE1.4 Section 6.6
at org.hornetq.ra.HornetQRASessionFactoryImpl.allocateConnection(HornetQRASessionFactoryImpl.java:816) [:6.1.0.Final]
This, of course, doesn't happen in Eclipse using the JBoss tools. There is literally nothing else (as far as applications not provided by JBoss) on the server. This has worked in the past, but due to the fact that the project in question is being developed quickly and without much support for infrastructure (read: There's one person on it and no supporting resources) determining what's gone wrong is less about rolling back (which might work, but, since I haven't identified the actual problem, might not) and more about process of elimination.
So, why would launching from Eclipse using the tools prevent the above error? Why would that error happen in the first place if the only things referencing the queue are one bean that sends messages in and one that takes them out (a paradigm that works for the other three queues without producing the error)? And, possibly the most unanswerable, why would it previously have worked and not be working now?
I know the typical response is to post everything. I can't do that. But I can post parts. I'm using vanilla JBoss 6.1.0 Final, Eclipse Java EE IDE Indigo SR1, JBoss Seam Tools for Eclipse 3.3.0.v20120302-2019-H81-Beta1, and Java 7.
I've got four queues, in addition to DLQ and ExpiryQueue:
<component class="org.jboss.seam.jms.ManagedQueueSender" name="dispatchQueueSender">
<property name="queueJndiName">/queue/RnD/dispatch</property>
<component class="org.jboss.seam.jms.ManagedQueueSender" name="scheduleQueueSender">
<property name="queueJndiName">/queue/RnD/schedule</property>
<component class="org.jboss.seam.jms.ManagedQueueSender" name="registerQueueSender">
<property name="queueJndiName">/queue/RnD/register</property>
<component class="org.jboss.seam.jms.ManagedQueueSender" name="resultsQueueSender">
<property name="queueJndiName">/queue/RnD/results</property>
<queue name="DnR Dispatch">
<entry name="/queue/RnD/dispatch"/>
<queue name="DnR Scheduling">
<entry name="/queue/RnD/schedule"/>
<queue name="DnR Registration">
<entry name="/queue/RnD/register"/>
<queue name="DnR Results">
<entry name="/queue/RnD/results"/>
I'm using hibernate in my project with MySQL, and everything is configured as an .ear (with ejb's and a .war inside).
Any thoughts?
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12 years, 4 months
[Snowdrop] - Re: Deployment Order With Spring
by mrjb
mrjb [https://community.jboss.org/people/mrjb] created the discussion
"Re: Deployment Order With Spring"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/741081#741081
I am also interested in how to solve this. I would suspect I have a pretty basic use case, using JBoss 7.1.1, Snowdrop 2.0.2 and Spring 3.1.1. My application in it's simplest form looks like this:
| |
| +- application.xml
+- lib
| |
| +- spring-3.1.1-jars.jar
| +- other-jars.jar
+- myapp.spring
+- myapp.war
My .war has a beanRefContext.xml that is trying to lookup the JNDI name that the SpringDeployer should have registered, which fails because the JNDI name is not found. There is also some randomness attached to this because for a while it did actually work, the JNDI name was found and deployment continued. I then copied some .jars on the JBoss servers, which I suspect might have modified their timestamps or something similar, in case that's one of the factors for deciding deployment order, and after that it has stopped working.
My application.xml file looks like this:
I can't managed to get this working... My company is using JBoss 4.2 and there it is working fine, but we are figuring it's time to upgrade. I don't really need to keep the same deployment structure either it's just that I want a main Spring context to be deployed that other WAR's (and also MDB's) can access.
Any ideas? :)
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12 years, 4 months
[jBPM] - jBPM persistent session ids
by Jason Jho
Jason Jho [https://community.jboss.org/people/jasonjho] created the discussion
"jBPM persistent session ids"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/730695#730695
I am using jBPM 5.2.0 and I have a question about ksession ids. My understanding is that this session ID is used to reload a persisted session, but there is no clear indication how this is supposed to work when a server is restarted. For example, if I have a session ID [1] for a workflow process that is persisted and the server goes down, I can reload the session back to it's previous state using this same ID. However, how am I guaranteed that any new session ID created by the same knowledge base will be uniquely different from the persisted ID?
int id = ksession.getId() ...
// server shuts down - restarts
int savedId = geSavedId();
session = JPAKnowledgeService.+loadStatefulKnowledgeSession+(savedId, kbase, *null*, env);
newSession = kbase.newStatelessKnowledgeSession(...)
newSession.getId() = ???
In the above scenario, could it be possible for newSession.getId() to have the same integer value as the previously saved ID?
If so, how would one be able to distinguish the 2 different sessions?
Thanks for any help.
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12 years, 4 months