[JBoss Tools] - Eclipse VJET - a new 3rd-party tool available in Central
by Victor Rubezhny
Victor Rubezhny [https://community.jboss.org/people/vrubezhny] modified the document:
"Eclipse VJET - a new 3rd-party tool available in Central"
To view the document, visit: https://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-48905
Eclipse VJET is a new 3rd-party tool that is available for installation from Central. Well integrated into Eclipse WTP, VJET aims to replace standard JSDT (JavaScript Development Tools) in Eclipse. VJET provides its own JavaScript Editor ('VJET Editor') with Content Assistant facility that allows you create/edit JavaScript files (*.js) as well as to edit JavaScripts on HTML pages. It also provides a number of views and outlines that help to browse the existing JavaScript structure, Type Space, Types, Members and so on.
h2. Installing Eclipse VJET into JBoss Developer Studio
Due to simplify the Eclipse VJET installation and to allow our users to have it handy we've included the Eclipse VJET to 3rd-party products available for installation from JBoss Central. To install Eclipse VJET you need to perform the following few simple steps:
* Open JBoss Central and select 'Software/Update' tab and type 'vjet' in filter field. You'll see the only 'Eclipse VJET' item in the list of 3rd-party software under 'Web and Mobile Development'. Select 'Eclipse VJET' and press 'Install' button below:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21025/vjet-01-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21025/vjet-...
* Make sure that at least 'Eclipse VJET JavaScript IDE (Incubation)' item is selected and press 'Next >' button:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21026/vjet-02-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21026/vjet-...
* Select at least one License in the list and make sure that 'I accept the terms...' radio is selected, then press 'Next >' button:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21027/vjet-03-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21027/vjet-...
* Wait a bit while installation process is finished...
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21028/vjet-04-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21028/vjet-...
* ... then restart JBoss Developer Studio
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21029/vjet-05-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21029/vjet-...
Most part of installation is finished so you can try to use Eclipse VJET's features.
h2. Using Eclipse VJET
We've used HTML 5 Example project imported from JBoss Central hereafter:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21030/vjet-06-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21030/vjet-...
But you can create a new project from scratch or use an existing project. Eclipse VJET requires to be enabled on a project you're developing and suggests you to make it automatically when you're opening a JavaScript file for the first time:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21031/vjet-07-o... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21031/vjet-...
Press 'Enable' button to enable Eclipse VJET on your project.
Most usefull feature of VJET is Content Assistant. For a number of reasons, VJET requires a file to be saved due to provide a Content Assist. So, we've made a new line and saved the document:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21032/vjet-08-c... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21032/vjet-...
...and invoked Content Assistant by pressing Ctrl-Space:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21033/vjet-09-c... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21033/vjet-...
...and then applied the selected property on the document:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21034/vjet-10-c... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21034/vjet-...
h2. Using Eclipse VJET's Type Libraries
JavaScript is a scripting language that is not precompiled, so the Object Types are poorly calculated. But there are number of well known libraries that are supported by Eclipse VJET in form of Type Library Projects that could be imported into your workspace due to provide types and method signatures for the Content Assist and Validation.
If you want such information to be available for your project:
* Clone the Type Libraries Project from Eclipse's Git repository 'git://git.eclipse.org/gitroot/vjet/org.eclipse.vjet.typelibs.git' into a local folder:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21035/vjet-11-g... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21035/vjet-...
* Then return to your Workspace, select 'File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace' and press 'Next >'
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21036/vjet-12-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21036/vjet-...
* Find and select 'org.eclipse.vjet.typelibs' folder and press 'OK'
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21037/vjet-13-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21037/vjet-...
* Then select the Type Library project(s) you want to add to your project and press 'Finish' - the required Type Library Project(s) will be imported into your Workspace
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21038/vjet-14-i... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21038/vjet-...
* Right-click on your project and select 'Properties->VJET->VJET Build Path', then select 'Projects' Tab and press 'Add' button. Then select imported Type Library Project(s) and press 'OK' button:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21039/vjet-15-s... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21039/vjet-...
* Now you can use the information provided by selected Type Library in Content Assistant for your project, so you're able to select...
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21040/vjet-16-c... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21040/vjet-...
* ... and apply these proposals:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21041/vjet-17-c... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21041/vjet-...
Without having the Type Library project imported and set up, the Content Assistant would be incomplete in most cases. For example, see the proposals of Content Assist invoked at the same file and position but with no jQuery Type Library project imported and referenced:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21042/vjet-18-c... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21042/vjet-...
h2. Eclipse VJET Views to browse the project information
Eclipse VJET provides a number of views that may help you to view a project details:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21044/vjet-19-v... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21044/vjet-...
AST View and Type Space View - AST Trees of original and recovered JavaScript and information on Types used in JavaScript:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21045/vjet-20-a... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21045/vjet-...
Outline, Types and Members Views:
https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/21046/vjet-21-t... https://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/21046/vjet-...
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11 years, 5 months
[JBoss Remoting] - Communication between JBoss 5.1.0 GA and JBoss AS 7.1.1
by Janusz Lisiecki
Janusz Lisiecki [https://community.jboss.org/people/phobo] created the discussion
"Communication between JBoss 5.1.0 GA and JBoss AS 7.1.1"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/803806#803806
In my case I have an application deployed in JBoss 5.1.0 that needs to communicate with another application deployed in JBoss AS 7.1.1. Is there an option for such communication using JBoss Remoting? I'm getting an exception like this:
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.xnio.XnioProvider: Provider org.xnio.nio.NioXnioProvider could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class org.xnio.nio.NioXnioProvider
at java.util.ServiceLoader.fail(ServiceLoader.java:207)
I have tried to add jboss-client.jar (from JBoss 7) to directory JBoss/lib in JBoss 5, and then the exception was:
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: java.util.ServiceConfigurationError: org.xnio.XnioProvider: Provider org.xnio.nio.NioXnioProvider could not be instantiated: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jboss.logging.Logger.tracef(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
at java.util.ServiceLoader.fail(ServiceLoader.java:207)
as I understand there is different api for logging in each JBoss versions.
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11 years, 5 months
[JBoss Remoting] - Newbie: JBoss Remoting Multiplex to solve multiple client connections through a firewall
by Paul St. Pierre
Paul St. Pierre [https://community.jboss.org/people/floogle] created the discussion
"Newbie: JBoss Remoting Multiplex to solve multiple client connections through a firewall"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/819169#819169
I'm a contractor working for a large telecom company which has a legacy system into which has been introduced a twist, and I'd like to describe the general setup, as it appears JBoss Remoting Multiplex may offer a solution.
A client app connects to a server using a proprietary messaging protocol based on Java TCP sockets. The client, using a standard Java Socket, sends a message to the server on its "well known" port, telling the server (in the message) to reply to it on the standard dynamic remote port (generally in the range 49152 to 65535). In this legacy app, the client listens asynchronously for messages with a standard ServerSocket on the dynamic port. Client & server are appropriately threaded supporting multiple sessions. So far so much.
The twist/wrinkle is, as you can guess, a firewall is now required between the client and server, so the use of dynamic ports is out. Rather than muck with the low-level details of the legacy code, one solution might be to use JBoss Remoting Multiplex classes in an intermediate process between client and server, using a single static reply socket.
My question is simply: does this seem like an approach we should pursue? I am at the moment a JBoss newbie, hence the question. Any replies appreciated, thanks.
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11 years, 5 months
[JBoss Remoting] - Jboss 4.2.3.GA Remote client connection drops
by Akilesh Mogulluri
Akilesh Mogulluri [https://community.jboss.org/people/akilesh] created the discussion
"Jboss 4.2.3.GA Remote client connection drops"
To view the discussion, visit: https://community.jboss.org/message/806366#806366
Hi there,
I am relatively new to JBoss, running JBoss 4.2.3.GA, JBM 1.4.2.GA-SP1 and JBoss Remoting 2.2.2 SP8 I often come across this WARN/ERROR in server logs.
> 2013-04-04 09:38:36,449 WARN [org.jboss.jms.server.connectionmanager.SimpleConnectionManager] A problem has been detected with the connection to remote client xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, jmsClientID=xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. It is possible the client has exited without closing its connection(s) or the network has failed. All associated connection resources will be cleaned up.
> 2013-04-04 09:38:51,653 WARN [org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvoker] Asked to terminate invoker lease for client session id xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx, but lease for this id could not be found.: {}
> 2013-04-04 11:36:04,427 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketServerInvoker] received new control socket for unrecognized listenerId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
> 2013-04-04 15:11:47,825 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketServerInvoker] received new control socket for unrecognized listenerId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
> 2013-04-04 16:12:07,625 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.transport.bisocket.BisocketServerInvoker] received new control socket for unrecognized listenerId: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
And the connection to the JMS Client is lost everytime this happens while no network discrepancies are reported.
Can any one please help me understand why this is happening? and how this can be fixed?
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11 years, 5 months