Brian Wallis [] created the discussion
"jBPM 5 in JBoss 5/6 appserver - start and resume"
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I'm wondering what the best way to initialise/launch drools flow in an appserver would
be. I need to be able to support persistent workflows with transactions so that if I kill
the appserver I can restart back to where I was. Long term, cluster failover (which is a
similar requirement) would also be required.
I suspect that I should probably use some sort of ejb (stateless session bean or message
driven bean) that initialises or resumes the process instances in the ejbCreate() method
(since I believe using an ejb can help me support cluster failover as well).
How do you resume a bunch of persisted workflows? They would all either be waiting on an
event, the presence of a fact in their session or a return from a call out to a work item
(either a domain specific node or a human task).
When you restart, how do you recover the old session objects? Do you create and load a new
KnowledgeBase? If the session is persisted I suppose there must be a hibernate query I can
make to find all the existing instances. What do I do with them then?
I'm actuallly struggling working out what the right question is :-)
In short, I want to use jBPM in the JBoss appserver and have workflow instances reliably
span restarts.
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