Jim Beam [
https://community.jboss.org/people/jamesbeam] created the discussion
"Waiting for events to occur in a flow?"
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I'm a flow noob (...obviously) using 5.3.
I have a few examples working and am trying to integrate some rules. I think I have a
fundamental misunderstanding of rule tasks (maybe flow). Basically, I want to have a
more complicated process and I want to only advance to the next node when a certain set of
conditions are met.
To set up a simple test, I have a flow, *start node->rule task->script task (writes
"Done")-> end node*. I don't want to get to the script task until the
process receives a message with text='hi' or text='yo'. I set up the
following ruleflow group (I have a Message and MessageB class):
rule "waitforit rule"
ruleflow-group "waitforMessage"
dialect "mvel"
not ($m : Message())
System.out.println("no message yet");
rule "dotone"
ruleflow-group "waitforMessage"
dialect "mvel"
$m : Message(text=='hi' || text=='yo')
System.out.println("got message:"+$m.text);
I tried:
1) I start the process and insert a MessageB object (i see hibernate update the session).
I expected the first rule to fire, but it does not. Then I insert a Message object and
the process/app just exits (WITHOUT) giving me the "Done" message (i have a
thread.sleep after the insert - and no dispose).
2) So, I start the process and do a fireallrules, wait 10 seconds then insert a Message
object. But, as soon as I fireallrules, I get the "no message yet" message AND
the "Done" message. Nothing happens for 10 seconds and then the process ends.
So, I have just one question....in 6 parts:
a) in #1, why doesn't the first rule fire?
b) and Why/How does the process exit without a "Done" message? (I
don't dispose of the ksession in my code)
c) in #2, why does the fireallrules immediatly trigger the "Done" message?
d) as I read it in the documentation, the rule task should keep the process from
advancing until all of the rules are no longer active. However, I thought the first rule
would ensure that the group was active until a Message arives. Is that wrong?
e) what is the right way to do this sort of thing?
f) Can someone clue me into what I am doing wrong? Am I thinking about this in the
wrong way?
Thanks very much for your thoughts/comments.
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