Good morning, Ronald and hello everyone else.
Thank you for your answer. Till now I have been using jBPM on top of JBoss AS. But I
switched to Tomcat since the Tomcat support is one of the most interesting features for me
in the new 4.1 release.
For user authentication the demo setup is set to a JDBCRealm (the users table of jBPM). I
tried adding a new user with the role manager in tomcat-users.xml but the file seemed to
be ignored. If I understood the Tomcat doc the right way I should add an user with the
manager role in the database but this does not seem to be possible (database schema).
Can anyone give me a hint how to deal with this? Building up on the demo setup I would
like to deploy some applications on the Tomcat among other things by using the manager
application to deploy applications and to check.
Thank you for any hints about the Tomcat demo setup.
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