I do not have complete access to the box since I am only a developer and have to rely on
Unix administrators. The issue looks like a shutdown error during a restart not a start up
error. It happened during what I thought was a start up after a configuration change so I
thought it was a start up error.
The console has the following entries:
08:11:01,949 INFO [Server] Runtime shutdown hook called, forceHalt: true
08:11:01,949 INFO [Server] JBoss SHUTDOWN: Undeploying all packages
08:11:01,950 INFO [TomcatDeployer] undeploy, ctxPath=/servlets,
08:11:02,387 INFO [Server] Shutting down the server, blockingShutdown: false
08:11:02,388 INFO [Server] Server exit(0) called
Here is the application log. Note the times. The application is getting errors at
08:11:02,067 which is after the shutdown of the application, 08:11:01,950, but before the
shut down of the server, 08:11:02,387.
08:11:02,067 [JDBCConnectionFactory.getContext 408] INFO - database=WOL
08:11:02,068 [JDBCConnectionFactory.logError 314] ERROR - WOL:
javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: WOLPool not bound
The JDBCConnectionFactory.getContext is used for all database connections and uses a
Context without properties.
We use the RMI port to send a shutdown.
shutdown.sh --shutdown --user=xxxxxxxx --password=xxxxxxxx --server=jnp://localhost:1099/
We have had problems with that. Sometimes it throws an error and some times it hangs and
needs to be killed so we added a kill to the process. I do not know the source of the -15
signal but did not come up with that myself.
kill -15 `cat $JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss.pid`
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