Alessandro Dionisi [] created the
"Assign task to groups at runtime"
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Hi all,
Anyone knows how to reassign a task to group when the task is in states Ready, Reserved or
In our scenario this can happen when a user has a reserved task but the business
administrator at some point can change the assignment to a group.
I tried with the following methods:
* *delegate:* produces the following error: Error java.lang.RuntimeException: Command
OperationRequest faild due to org.jbpm.task.Group cannot be cast to org.jbpm.task.User.
Please contact task server administrator.
* *nominate and forward*: produces: unexpected end of subtree [select new
org.jbpm.task.query.TaskSummary(, t.taskData.processInstanceId, name.text,
subject.text, description.text, t.taskData.status, t.priority, t.taskData.skipable,
actualOwner, createdBy, t.taskData.createdOn, t.taskData.activationTime,
t.taskData.expirationTime, t.taskData.processId, t.taskData.processSessionId) from
org.jbpm.task.Task t left join t.taskData.createdBy as createdBy left join
t.taskData.actualOwner as actualOwner left join t.subjects as subject left join
t.descriptions as description left join t.names as name,
org.jbpm.task.OrganizationalEntity potentialOwners where t.archived = 0 and ( = :userId or in () ) and potentialOwners in elements
( t.peopleAssignments.potentialOwners ) and ( name.language = :language or t.names.size =
0 ) and ( subject.language = :language or t.subjects.size = 0 ) and ( description.language
= :language or t.descriptions.size = 0 ) and t.taskData.status in ('Created',
'Ready', 'Reserved', 'InProgress', 'Suspended') and
t.taskData.expirationTime is null]
Do you have some advices?
P.S. I'm using JBPM 5.4.0-SNAPSHOT.
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