I tried to drill down the problem to following simple example:
Address has a simple relation to Person which is derived from Employee ...
| @javax.persistence.Entity
| public class Address {
| String street;
| Long id;
| Person person;
| public String getStreet() {
| return street;
| }
| public void setStreet(String value) {
| street = value;
| }
| @javax.persistence.Id
| public Long getId() {
| return id;
| }
| @javax.persistence.ManyToOne
| public Person getPerson() {
| return this.person;
| }
| public void setPerson(Person person) {
| this.person = person;
| }
| }
| @javax.persistence.Entity
| @javax.persistence.Inheritance(strategy = javax.persistence.InheritanceType.JOINED)
| public class Person {
| String name;
| Long id;
| private java.util.Set<Address> address;
| public String getName() {
| return name;
| }
| public void setName(String value) {
| name = value;
| }
| @javax.persistence.Id
| public Long getId() {
| return id;
| }
| public void setId(Long value) {
| id = value;
| }
| @javax.persistence.OneToMany(mappedBy = "person")
| public java.util.Set<Address> getAddress() {
| return this.address;
| }
| public void setAddress(java.util.Set<Address> address) {
| this.address = address;
| }
| }
| @javax.persistence.Entity
| public class Employee extends Person {
| Double salary;
| public Double getSalary() {
| return salary;
| }
| public void setSalary(java.lang.Double value) {
| salary = value;
| }
| }
Now I would like to write a simple EJBQL to query for addresses named
"streetName" and employees that earn more then "2000" ...
| SELECT A FROM Address A WHERE (A.street=streetName) AND (A.employee.salary>2000)
==> now to my question:
As we can see, the bean path A.employee.salary is wrong and i will get a
anonymous wrote : could not resolve property: employee
but writing
| SELECT A FROM Address A WHERE (A.street=streetName) AND (A.person.salary>2000)
is also wrong, because there is no salary attribute in the person entity ...
So how can I select in EJBQL using the path notation ?
Thx for any help
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