I am using jBPM 4.1 and tried to write a unit test that queries the history service using
the task assignee and name.
First i looked at the sources of jBPM and searched for tests that are performing a similar
query. Unfortunately the only test related to history task assignee was
org.jbpm.test.history.HistoryTaskAssigneeTest shown below and the test didn't use the
assignee information to perform the query:
| * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
| * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
| * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
| * full listing of individual contributors.
| *
| * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
| * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
| * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
| * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
| *
| * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| * Lesser General Public License for more details.
| *
| * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
| * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
| * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
| * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site:
| */
| package org.jbpm.test.history;
| import org.jbpm.api.Execution;
| import org.jbpm.api.history.HistoryActivityInstance;
| import org.jbpm.test.JbpmTestCase;
| /**
| * @author Tom Baeyens
| */
| public class HistoryTaskAssigneeTest extends JbpmTestCase {
| public void testHistoryTaskAssignee() {
| deployJpdlXmlString(
| "<process name='TaskAssignee'>" +
| " <start>" +
| " <transition to='review' />" +
| " </start>" +
| " <task name='review' " +
| " assignee='johndoe'>" +
| " <transition to='wait' />" +
| " </task>" +
| " <state name='wait'/>" +
| "</process>"
| );
| executionService.startProcessInstanceByKey("TaskAssignee");
| HistoryActivityInstance historyActivityInstance = historyService
| .createHistoryActivityInstanceQuery()
| .uniqueResult();
| }
| }
The current implementation of the HistoryTaskQuery allows querying using the assignee but
not the name of the task. To find out the name for the task i decided to make a
HistoryActivityInstanceQuery using the executiondid that will be delivered by the
HistoryTaskQuery. To my surprise this didn't work. The HistoryActivityInstanceQuery
delivered 3 HistoryActivityInstances instead of 1. So it is not possible to figure out the
name of the task that was performed by the assignee. The unit test is shown below:
package com.cg.wfl.jbpm.examples.wfl_examples.history;
| import java.util.List;
| import org.jbpm.api.Execution;
| import org.jbpm.api.history.HistoryActivityInstance;
| import org.jbpm.api.history.HistoryTask;
| import org.jbpm.test.JbpmTestCase;
| public class HistoryTaskAssigneeTest extends JbpmTestCase {
| public void testHistoryTaskAssignee() {
| deployJpdlXmlString(
| "<process name='TaskAssigneeTest'>" +
| " <start>" +
| " <transition to='a' />" +
| " </start>" +
| " <task name='a' assignee='mary'>" +
| " <transition name='toB' to ='b' />" +
| " </task>" +
| " <task name='b' assignee='alex'>" +
| " <transition name='toC' to ='c' />" +
| " </task>" +
| " <task name='c' assignee='mary'>" +
| " <transition name='toEnd' to ='end'
/>" +
| " </task>" +
| " <end name='end' />" +
| "</process>"
| );
| Execution execution =
| String taskId = taskService.createTaskQuery().uniqueResult().getId();
| taskService.completeTask(taskId);
| taskId = taskService.createTaskQuery().uniqueResult().getId();
| taskService.completeTask(taskId);
| taskId = taskService.createTaskQuery().uniqueResult().getId();
| taskService.completeTask(taskId);
| assertNull("execution "+execution.getId()+" should not
| executionService.findExecutionById(execution.getId()));
| List<HistoryTask> historyTasks = historyService.createHistoryTaskQuery().
| assignee("mary").list();
| assertEquals(2, historyTasks.size());
| historyTasks = historyService.createHistoryTaskQuery().
| assignee("alex").list();
| assertEquals(1, historyTasks.size());
| // Try to find out the name of the task for the first task with assignee mary
| String executionId = historyTasks.get(0).getExecutionId();
| List<HistoryActivityInstance> historyActivities =
| executionId(executionId).list();
| // The expectation is 1 entry in the list, but the list contains 3 entries
| // It is not possible to link the HistoryTask to the HistoryActivityInstance
| // using the executionId!
| assertEquals(1, historyActivities.size());
| }
| }
I found also the following jira issues that references task history details and hope that
the problem with the task name will be also considered.
Any help or comments are welcomed.
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