David Bailey [
http://community.jboss.org/people/edwardpig] created the discussion
"JNDI binding and NameNotFoundException"
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I'm an EJB-newbie, so please bear with me. I'm running JBoss 5.1.0, and I'm
trying to define/deploy/access a stateless session bean. It's my understanding that
JBoss 5.1.0 conforms to EJB 3.0, and so I can do the whole thing with annotations, without
the need for a ejb-jar.xml or jboss.xml file.
After much Googling, I have tried a number of different ways to do things, most recently
the following. In my bean class, I added a no-args constructor and the following
annotation and interface:
public class ScoreComputer implements IScoreComputer
I defined an IScoreComputer class which declares the methods I want to have available, and
put the following annotation on it:
public interface IScoreComputer
In my server code, I try to obtain a reference to my ScoreComputer as follows:
IScoreComputer computer;
InitialContext ejbContext = new InitialContext();
computer = (IScoreComputer)ejbContext.lookup("ScoreComputer/local");
When this code executes, a NameNotFoundException is thrown with the message
'IScoreComputer not bound'. I know I'm not doing the JNDI binding correctly,
because I've looked in the JMX console for JBoss, and no binding is listed containing
the string 'Score'. But try as I might, I am unable to find instructions telling
me the correct way to do the binding.
I am using the Spring DispatcherServlet as my servlet, and for a while I thought that
might be what is causing the problem, and it may well be. But I replaced that in my
web.xml with a simple class which extends HttpServlet, and got the same behavior. I have
also tried injecting my bean using the @EJB annotation, e.g.
protected IScoreComputer computer;
but that fails when JBoss attempts to deploy the .ear file, with a message
"Resolution should not happen via injection container".
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