yes, this was the situation, and I added the server folder in the jre.
after your comment, I changed the jre with the jdk, but still the same problem. So, I
corrected again in the same way: I created a new server folder, and copied all files from
the client folder.
Now I'm trying to compile one of the workbook example of EJB3 oreilly book, but
something doesn't work properly.
This is the output of ant statement:
C:\workbook\ex04_1>ant clean.db
| Buildfile: build.xml
| clean.db:
| [delete] Deleting directory c:\jboss-4.2.2.GA\server\default\data\hypersonic
| Total time: 1 second
| C:\workbook\ex04_1>ant
| Buildfile: build.xml
| prepare:
| compile:
| [javac] Compiling 4 source files to C:\workbook\ex04_1\build\classes
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal c
| haracter: \64
| [javac] @Entity
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal c
| haracter: \64
| [javac] @Table(name="CABIN")
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal
| character: \64
| [javac] @Id
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal
| character: \64
| [javac] @Column(name="ID")
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal
| character: \64
| [javac] @Column(name="NAME")
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal
| character: \64
| [javac] @Column(name="DECK_LEVEL")
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal
| character: \64
| [javac] @Column(name="SHIP_ID")
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ illegal
| character: \64
| [javac] @Column(name="BED_COUNT")
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\domain\ <identif
| ier> expected
| [javac] }
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\travelagent\TravelAgentBean.ja
| va:9: illegal character: \64
| [javac] @Stateless
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\travelagent\TravelAgentBean.ja
| va:12: illegal character: \64
| [javac] @PersistenceContext(unitName="titan") private EntityManager
| ger;
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\travelagent\TravelAgentBean.ja
| va:12: <identifier> expected
| [javac] @PersistenceContext(unitName="titan") private EntityManager
| ger;
| [javac]
| ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\travelagent\TravelAgentRemote.
| java:7: illegal character: \64
| [javac] @Remote
| [javac] ^
| [javac] C:\workbook\ex04_1\src\main\com\titan\clients\ cannot
| access javax.naming.InitialContext
| [javac] bad class file: C:\jdk1.5.0_15\lib\rt.jar(javax/naming/InitialContex
| t.class)
| [javac] class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 47.0
| [javac] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of
| the classpath.
| [javac] import javax.naming.InitialContext;
| [javac] ^
| [javac] 14 errors
| C:\workbook\ex04_1\build.xml:54: Compile failed; see the compiler error output f
| or details.
| Total time: 1 second
| C:\workbook\ex04_1>
Do you think there is still something wronk with my jdk?
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