Jim Ma [
http://community.jboss.org/people/jim.ma] created the discussion
"Re: Deployment Descriptor in JBoss web service."
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Nagendra Singh wrote:
I am bit new to JBoss what previuosly worked on Axis and weblogic webservice. I have some
1.) As we have deployment descriptor for axis (i.e. WSDD file) and weblogic (service.xml
file) do we have same in JBoss also.
It depends which stack (jbossws-cxf/jbossws-native) will you use. Basically JBoss
just needs web.xml to provide the endpoint impl to deploy a service. If you want to
configure security or other resource reference, you may need the jboss-web.xml. We also
support jbossws-cxf.xml descriptor in jbossws-cxf stack to enable more cxf specific
2.) In Weblogic we have been using "AutoType" ant task
which generates "Data type mapping and Java/Serialization class" for
non-built-in data types that used as parameters. Do we same available in JBoss.
That's the Weblogic specific thing. JBossWS marshall/unmarshall data with standard
JAXB implementation. If your application start with a pojo class, the JAXBIntroduction or
CXF's Aegis databinding can help.
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