Brian Wallis [] created the discussion
"Re: jbpm 5.3 - kSession.dispose() - Error: Session was previously disposed"
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In our case the session is loaded inside the onMessage() method of a JEE Message Driven
Bean. The JEE SessionSynchronization interface or the @AfterCompletion annotations are not
available on MDBs. I'm not using spring.
It seems that there isn't a JEE6 way to run something after the transaction is
committed for a MDB.
I think the only option with the MDB is to configure the bean for transactions
NOT_SUPPORTED, start and commit my own transaction around the interaction with the
workflow session and client mode message acknowledgement post the commit. I will also have
to deal with the small chance of duplicate message delivery.
Somewhat more complex than I'd hoped for. Quite a major change required for an update
from jbpm 5.1 to 5.3!
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