I got it working. Here is the DII code:
package com.mycompany.client.test.ws;
| import java.net.MalformedURLException;
| import java.net.URL;
| import java.rmi.RemoteException;
| import java.util.ArrayList;
| import java.util.List;
| import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
| import javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException;
| import javax.xml.rpc.handler.HandlerInfo;
| import junit.framework.TestCase;
| import org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.ServiceExt;
| import org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.ServiceFactoryImpl;
| import org.jboss.ws.jaxrpc.ServiceImpl;
| import org.jboss.ws.wsse.WSSecurityHandlerOutbound;
| import ...
| public class WSTestCase extends TestCase {
| private static final String SERVICE_NAMESPACE =
| private String testDescription = null;
| // Possible Outputs
| private String exceptionThrown = null;
| public void testPlanStep1() throws MalformedURLException, ServiceException {
| go(getInput());
| }
| private void go(Echo request) throws ServiceException, MalformedURLException {
| System.out.println("\n" + this.testDescription + "\n");
| displayTestInput(request);
| String expectedOutput = determineExpectedOutput();
| try {
| ClientServiceEndpoint clientServiceEndpoint = getEndpoint();
| EchoResponse echoResponse = clientServiceEndpoint.echo(request);
| ClientServiceReply clientServiceReply = echoResponse.getResult();
| System.out.println(clientServiceReply.getAuditId());
| } catch (Exception e) {
| String exceptionThrown = e.getClass().getName();
| displayOutput(expectedOutput, exceptionThrown);
| displayResult(exceptionThrown.equals(expectedOutput));
| e.printStackTrace();
| assertTrue(false);
| }
| }
| private ClientServiceEndpoint getEndpoint() throws MalformedURLException,
ServiceException, InvalidRequestException, SystemUnavailableException, RemoteException {
| ServiceFactoryImpl factory = new ServiceFactoryImpl();
| ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
| URL wsdlLocation = new
| URL mappingLocation = cl.getResource("client-mapping.xml");
| URL securityLocation = cl.getResource("jboss-wsse-client.xml");
| QName serviceName = new QName(SERVICE_NAMESPACE, "ClientService");
| ServiceImpl service = (ServiceImpl) factory.createService(wsdlLocation,
serviceName, mappingLocation, securityLocation);
| setupWSSecurityHandler(service);
| return (ClientServiceEndpoint) service.getPort(ClientServiceEndpoint.class);
| }
| private Echo getInput() {
| Echo echoInput = new Echo();
| ClientServiceRequest clientServiceRequest = new ClientServiceRequest();
| clientServiceRequest.setAuditId("eggie");
| echoInput.setClientServiceRequest_1(clientServiceRequest);
| return echoInput;
| }
| private void setupWSSecurityHandler(ServiceExt service) {
| List<HandlerInfo> clientHandlerChain = new
| HandlerInfo handler = new HandlerInfo();
| handler.setHandlerClass(WSSecurityHandlerOutbound.class);
| clientHandlerChain.add(handler);
| QName securityName = new QName(SERVICE_NAMESPACE,
| service.getDynamicHandlerRegistry().setHandlerChain(securityName,
| }
| }
Notice the use of the jboss-wsse-client.xml file as input to the createService method.
Here is my jboss-wsse-client.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
| <jboss-ws-security
| <key-store-file>wsse.keystore</key-store-file>
| <key-store-password>jbossws</key-store-password>
| <trust-store-file>wsse.truststore</trust-store-file>
| <trust-store-password>jbossws</trust-store-password>
| <config>
| <sign type="x509v3" alias="wsse" />
| <requires>
| <signature />
| </requires>
| </config>
| </jboss-ws-security>
Of course, I used the keystore and truststore from the JBossWS 1.0.2 sample archive.
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